8 hours ago, nemorus said:
Its a survival game first - everything else comes second. And vanilla pockets were ridiculous; Its not normal to hide car radiator or a battery in your pocket. And lets not talk about mods here because its a whole different thing which allows people to do anything they want. Backpacks? I would also suggest to do it like that: player must first take it off his back to actually open it. Nothing new, very normal, strategic.
Do we want to make a "realistic" game? WELL, I agree, but let's do it ALL, not just a part or what is convenient for someone!
*) Backpacks are deposited full without having to empty them. Everywhere.
*) Backpacks do NOT disappear after 8 hours, but remain until time and weather destroy them.
*) Inside a car I must be able to: eat, sleep, heal myself, drink, fix a weapon, modify a weapon, rummage through the backpack placed FULL in the back seats, change clothes, etc...
*) I must be able to build tents and fences EVERYWHERE! NOT just on the flat! (there is no possibility of digging the ground to level it, as in reality. How do we do it? Do we simulate the excavation with greater penetration into the ground or do we add some type of "base" (penetrable into the ground) on which to build? (your choice)
*) Shoes and, above all, boots must NOT wear out to the point of throwing away after 2/3 days of walking! I have mountain boots that have walked for miles even on stony ground for several decades and are still in excellent condition!
*) Tools do NOT wear out like they do now. I have some pliers that are my grandfather's, that I have used for decades myself and are still perfect! I have a fishing rod since I was a child, still perfectly functional and I have fished a lot with it. Now I don't use it anymore because I bought better ones, NOT because it has "worn out"! The line wears out and changes, NOT the rod or even the hooks (I have attached some to the bottom and never recovered, but NEVER worn out for some fish recovered!)
*) I do not believe there is any human being capable of eating a whole cow and not being properly fed and still being hungry! And after 1/2 days have stomach aches again from hunger! These are NOT humans, but an alien species... maybe...
*) When I look through an optic (scope or rangefinder) I can move as I want without changing view! In DayZ the vision with the optic BLOCKS the character! And I bet that if I report it they will answer that "it is a desired feature". Which, in my opinion, would NOT even need to be reported!
*) When I was trained for the mountains, a heavy backpack did NOT block me from jumping over walls and fences... it's all a question of training!
*) In real life you do NOT enter a barrel, but you can use it to climb on top of it and reach higher. This is right, NOT only in reality, but it should be in any video game... These programmers have "disabled it on purpose"!!! Need I say more!?! 😠
*) When you raise a weapon, you raise it "generic" first of all (I don't know what it's called in English, but you get what I call "cross on the screen"), ONLY THEN, if you really want, you put your eye inside the scope. DayZ is the other way around: you raise the weapon and you find the scope... then, if anything, you have to "lower" to the "generic aim". Which is unrealistic.
*) Weapon consumption. Do we also want to discuss this, maybe competing on who is more "expert" and who is less?!? Or do we all agree that a few dozen shots are not enough to "wear out a weapon" and not even a few dozen to "damage" it?!?
*) Have you ever transported a full barrel by rotating it on its base? I'll give you some news: IT IS POSSIBLE! In real life it works!!!
*) And many others that I can't even think of right now!!!
DayZ IS NOT REALISTIC... And it doesn't even intend to become so (somewhere clearly stated in this same forum. As soon as I find it I'll mention it)... UNFORTUNATELY...
But DO NOT bring up the story of "realism" as soon as it suits you to justify some changes!!! Because it is NOT possible to do a bit like this and a bit like that as is convenient at the moment.
And since DayZ "is just a video game" (not even a very "realistic" one. Very UNrealistic, I would say), at least leave it "playable"! One of the fundamental features of the game is the search for loot for survival... you have to have the space to put it in and take it away!
Otherwise it doesn't work.
You are making an increasingly incomplete and absurd game! Do you want to improve the game slightly? (I don't dare say "make it more realistic" which would be stupid)... lower the clothing slots a bit, but increase the vest and backpack slots! Otherwise it will damage the game's gameplay!
The "difficulty of the game" should be in the context of the game (surviving the pandemic), NOT in the absurd and poorly made game itself... I think this is NOT yet clear to ANYONE...
Edited by Riddick_2K