Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (2024)

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[The internet was a very different time in Flash’s heyday, and it’s worth preserving those old games, animations, and even just our memories as much as possible. This blog from Nior brought me back to the early 2000s in the best way. -Jordan]

On December 31st of this year, Adobe is officially “killing” the Flash Player plugin.

I doubt I need to explain to most of you what this plugin even is. It was such a ubiquitous part of the early age of the internet, offering interactivity in the form of games and video players, that it feels weird that we’re about to live in a world without it.

The simple truth is that technology moved on, and the plugin became obsolete ages ago, but those days, that early, wild west age of the internet, when the rules were not defined and no one knew what the hell they were doing, is something that is burned into my mind, in no small part thanks to Flash Player. And today, I’d like to take you back there. One last trip down memory lane, a farewell to some of my favorite things from so many years ago.

Let’s do this.


I feel like there’s no place more appropriate for me to start than here. If there’s one thing everybody likes, it’s stick figures. If there’s another that’s synonymous with the early days of the net, it’s also “stick figures.” The internet in the early 2000s was expensive and slow, so my main method of access was a local Lan House/Web Café owned by my parents. We had a whopping 2Mbps speed split between 12 machines, 13 if you count the main server. Slow doesn’t even start to describe it, to the point where if someone started a large download, the whole place would know immediately because the speed would tank so hard you could play classic Resident Evil with it. Luckily for me, there was something relatively light to load and endlessly amusing: stick figures! Unsurprisingly, I was drawn in by the games first.

I still remember how fun it was to simply run around in Fancy Pants Adventures, how the dumb humor of the Henry Stickmin series kept me coming back just to intentionally fail and see a new gag, and even how Combo Factory gave me the first taste of stringing long, satisfying combos that would eventually culminate in my love for spectacle fighters like Bayonetta and Devil May Cry.

Part 2 starts at 1:54

I came for the games, but what made me stay was the stick fights, and I don’t think people give these enough credit. They might look simplistic at first glance, but one needs but a couple of minutes to realize a lot of love goes into crafting these. It’s not just a cop-out for a lack of resources, stick fights are a legitimate art style that you can use for almost anything! If you want to see frenetic, stylish action, then look no further than the works of animator Philips “Terkoiz” Lacanlale. His “Shock” series is what I consider to be his magnum opus, with “Shock 2” being a fight I still rewatch regularly, and the thing I can thank for introducing me to the band “The Sleeping.” The absolute classic “Xiao Xiao” was like watching a stick version of a John Woo shootout, complete with totally unnecessary but still cool as f*ck Gun-Fu.

While not quite as action-packed, the original “Animation vs Animator” is still a fun and creative concept that’s still going on to this day, and it’s some of the best content the internet has to offer! And never let it be said that you can’t make good horror with stick figures, because the “Castle” series used to scare the hell out of me! It has zombies/demons, plenty of action, and lots of blood, but it took its time to build up tension and tries to tell a cool story. It is a damn shame that it might remain unfinished forever.

By the way, I know Super Mario Bros Z exists and it is awesome! I just wasn’t into it back then…

Final Fantasy Sonic X

Oh boy, here’s a deep cut. If the previous two paragraphs didn’t give away my age, this one definitely will. Final Fantasy Sonic X is probably the most 2000s thing on this list. Part turn-based RPG, part sprite animation, this was a big hot fudge of a crossover between Sonic, Zelda, Mega Man (Classic, X, and Zero), with a touch of “original characters, donut steal” to seal the deal. The Final Fantasy part comes from the combat system, which is mostly an excuse for interactivity, and to give Sonic a Buster Sword in one of the episodes. No, seriously, he goes Super and just summons Cloud’s sword from thin air.

The fights are heavily scripted as well, so the only way to lose was to royally screw-up, and don’t ask how I know that. But this is not a bad thing. It made me feel like I was the one making each dramatic moment happen. Today, I know that’s not the case, but holy sh*t did it feel good!

The story mostly revolves around some cursed magic sword that everyone and their mother wants, and like the gameplay, it gets better as it goes on. Fights become less scripted, the action becomes more fluid, there are more effects, and even voice acting! It’s a strange mess, but it’s compelling in its own, strange way, and if you can get past the first two episodes (that are admittedly not that great) there’s a fun ride to be had here.

Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (1)

Thing Thing Series

I’ll be honest, Thing Thing isn’t special by any means. They’re a mix of 2D platforming and shooting, with simple controls and relatively easy difficulty. We follow “Project 154,” a test subject for a government program trying to create enhanced super soldiers. Needless to say, we escape and go on a roaring rampage of revenge against the corporations that ruined our lives, culminating in a fourth game that was surprisingly dark! What stood out the most to me was the art style.

The characters in this look like if you tried to draw using the style of the Rayman series but were only allowed to use circles (pieces of clothing being the exception). It’s pretty unique all things considered, and if you’ve played any of them, you’ll instantly remember from a screenshot alone. The other thing that stood out was the series’ affinity for weapons. There are a lot of classic firearms represented here, with great sprite work that captures the feel and looks of them, and I’m not ashamed to admit that this is how I learned the names of many iconic arms. So if anything, this is an educational experience!

Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (2)Do consider supporting the series by buying it on Steam!

Epic Battle Fantasy Series

If you’re into RPGs, there’s a non-zero chance you’ve heard of Epic Battle Fantasy. The genre is saturated like a bad TikTok meme, yet the EBF series has managed to stay relevant since its inception back in 2009! The reason is very simple. For one, these are full-blown RPGs and making one of those in Flash is pretty impressive. And two, they are charming as all hell!

There’s a plot but that’s not important. You’re here for the surprisingly well-thought-out combat and the frankly staggering amount of content on offer! The fourth game, for example, took me around 30 hours to complete! For free! Coupled with an art style that is simple but expressive—a perfect complement to the lighthearted tone of the games—EBF wants you to have a good time all the time. The games are full of humor and although it’s often as silly as the art style, it lands more often than it misses. If you enjoy RPGs (or want to find out if you do) give these games a chance. You won’t regret it.

Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (3)Don’t be fooled by the graphics. This stupid game will end you!

Realm of the Mad God

There are two things I like: MMOs and shoot-’em-ups, and Realm of the Mad God combines both with roguelike elements. There are traditional RPG classes, like Warrior, Rogue, and Archer, but unlike a traditional RPG, RotMG is played in real-time and everyone fires projectiles.

How it works is that you join a server and are given some random quests automatically. Then you teleport the nearest players around said quest, who definitely have the same quest, and start killing, and the amount of dakka only increases as you level up and join bigger groups to take down massive bosses. Once enough quests are completed, the Mad God Oryx will close the Realm (meaning no new players can join that server) and teleport all players to his castle dungeon. Survive and you get the chance to face Oryx, in a boss battle with three phases of increasingly stupider levels of danmaku. Thrive and your rewards include bragging rights, status, and some of the best gear available.

Simple enough, right? Wrong! This f*cking game will ruin your productivity! The hunt for better gear will consume you, the power scaling will intoxicate you, and the pick-up-and-play nature of it all will make sure you keep coming back for more! It’s a high that only the massive gut-punch of losing a super powerful character can destroy (I told you this was a roguelike). But you’ll still come back for more just for another shot at taking down the titular Mad God. It’s a simple and satisfying co-op bullet hell, and I can’t recommend it enough.

Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (4)This is the best Kingdom Rush game. Fight me!

Kingdom Rush Series

C’mon, you probably saw this one coming from the moment you clicked this blog. You can’t talk about Flash games without getting into the tower defense genre at some point, and this is one of the best.

Kingdom Rush asks you to defend the realm from orcs, vampires, trolls, and all sorts of monsters from classic medieval fantasy tropes. Spells complement your arsenal, but what makes this one stand out from the rest are the towers. You have barracks that produce units that can body block monsters, and all towers have a tech tree that splits into two, allowing further specialization and the ability to unlock special powers that can drastically change the tide of battle. There’s a damn good reason why the series is still going on to this day, with each new game iterating on the concept in creative and clever ways.

Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (5)

Exit Path

Do you know what’s cool? Speedrunning. There’s something mesmerizing about watching people break the games we love in half, either by exploiting engine quirks or just some good old-fashioned skilled execution. It’s even better when games are designed around speedrunning, and 2D platformer Exit Path is one such game. The single-player mode consists of a gauntlet of increasingly deadly rooms, asking you to guide our test subject towards freedom. It has an atmosphere that reminds me of the original Portal, only with a lot more violence. Multiplayer was a different beast, putting up to 40 players in deadly races to see who could reach the end of a room with fewer deaths, and that was my preferred method of play. The servers are unsurprisingly dead, but if you want to have an idea of how it was, imagine the game Speedrunners but without the grappling hook or Mario Kart power-ups.

The history of Flash involves way more games, animations, and websites than I can possibly hope to cover here. This list is but a microcosm of the things that I grew up with. However, this is not goodbye. Preservation efforts like the Flashpoint Project and Internet Archive are already hard at work to keep this part of internet history alive—and Newgrounds has a dedicated player to keep its games alive.

The successful among them have moved on to Steam and App/Apple Stores, and Hyun’s Dojo is a hub for animators that have kept the art of stick figures alive for all these years. This is the end of the plugin, but it’s far from being the end of its legacy. These games will live on, if only in the memories of people like you and me.

So long, and thanks for all the memories, Flash Player. You will be missed.

About The Author

Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (6)


More Stories by Nior

Flash Player is dead. Long live Flash Player! (2024)


What do I do when the Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported? ›

What does Flash Player EOL mean? After the EOL Date, Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches. Adobe strongly recommends immediately uninstalling Flash Player.

What has replaced the Adobe Flash Player? ›

The 15 Best Adobe Flash Player Alternatives in 2024
  • Lightspark. Best for viewing and editing Flash content on Windows and Linux. ...
  • BlueMaxima's Flashpoint. Best for preserving and archiving legacy Flash files. ...
  • FLV Media Player. Best for playing downloaded Flash videos on Windows. ...
  • SWF File Player. ...
  • Shubus Viewer. ...
  • OpenSilver.
Jan 9, 2024

Is Flash Player still alive? ›

The Death of Flash Player:

All of the major web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge later revealed that they would officially remove Flash Player on all sites as of January 2021. Whilst support may have stopped for Flash Player in January 2021, its death began years prior.

Why did they remove the Flash Player? ›

But Jobs' biggest concern was that Flash had really poor performance, and serious security issues. Jobs even mentioned that Flash was the number one reason for crashes on Apple devices at the time. To top it all, Adobe was slow to add support for platform-specific or native features in Flash.

How to play games when Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported? ›

Another option to sample Flash-powered games without a Flash plugin is Ruffle. There are three formats of Ruffle – a standalone, downloadable program, a browser extension or a program powered by a line of HTML code. Ruffle is considered an emulator for small web format (SWF) files.

How do I revive Adobe Flash Player? ›

FlashPatch! is a patcher program that you only need to run once. It does NOT redistribute any Adobe Flash Player binaries. It simply removes the killswitch from the system-wide Adobe Flash Player binaries, restoring the functionality of the original browser plugins.

Does anyone still use Adobe Flash Player? ›

Flash is dead. And Flash player has been EOL since end of 2020. That's more than a year ago.

What is the new version of Flash Player? ›

As of December 31, 2020, Adobe has stopped supporting Flash Player. It can no longer be downloaded and if it's installed on any computers, it won't activate any more. Adobe also won't be releasing any new versions or fixing bugs and security problems with it in the future.

How do I update my Flash Player? ›

On Windows, open the Control Panel and then the Flash Player menu item. Then click on the Advanced tab. On recent Windows systems the update options probably be grayed out, click the Change Update Settings button. Finally select either to automatically install updates or to notify when updates are available.

Why was Flash killed? ›

The biggest reason was security. With a huge part of the tech world running Flash, it became a massive target for hackers, forcing Adobe to release updates often to patch problems. It also offered poor performance, causing some users to see full CPU usage when viewing web pages with Flash content.

Is Flash gone forever? ›

The Flash Player was deprecated in 2017 and officially discontinued at the end of 2020 for all users outside mainland China, as well as non-enterprise users, with many web browsers and operating systems scheduled to remove the Flash Player software around the same time.

Will Adobe Flash ever come back? ›

Adobe has officially killed Flash player on December 31, 2020. All major browsers will remove Flash by the end of 2020 or early 2021. With Flash support ending, websites that offer Flash-based content like games and animations will have no choice but to remove them too.

What to do if Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported? ›

If you are using a website that you know is using Flash, or find a website that stops working when Flash is retired, please contact the website owner to request an update. To read more about Flash Player end of life, visit the Adobe website.

Why did Adobe shut down Flash? ›

Why is support for Adobe Flash ending? There are several good reasons for discontinuing Flash support. In 2015, it was confirmed that computers utilizing Adobe Flash were vulnerable to hacking. The vulnerabilities – known as Zero-Day vulnerabilities – were considered highly dangerous to computer and data security.

Is Flash Player banned? ›

Flash Player was officially discontinued on 31 December 2020, and its download page was removed two days later. Since 12 January 2021, Flash Player (original global variants) versions newer than 32.0. 0.371, released in May 2020, refuse to play Flash content and instead display a static warning message.

How do I update my Adobe Flash Player? ›

[1] Users who have selected the option to 'Allow Adobe to install updates' will receive the update automatically. Users who do not have the 'Allow Adobe to install updates' option enabled can install the update via the update mechanism within the product when prompted.

How can I still use Adobe Flash Player? ›

Use Ruffle, a full-featured Flash Player emulator.

You can install Ruffle on your PC (Windows or Linux) or Mac and use it to open . SWF files on your computer, or try the browser extension that lets you use Flash on websites.

How do I enable Adobe Flash Player in Chrome? ›

In Google Chrome:

Click on either of these that appear. After clicking the picture (circle with "i" or the lock), select Site Settings. This will open the Site Settings screen in a new tab. On the Site Settings screen, locate the row for "Flash" and use the drop-down to set the permission to "Allow".

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.