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How to Use MED/FM

The MED/FM (Medical Financial Management) system stores registration information about patients through Patient Registration and enables a medical practice to record all visits and procedures through Transaction Entry, print patient billing statements and insurance forms, send electronic insurance claims, and apply payments received from patients and insurance companies through Open Item Payment Entry. MED/FM also performs monthly maintenance on the accounts receivable information and produces many reports for office and receivables management. Additionally, MED/FM provides Hospital Data Capture, Claim Tracking, Appointment Scheduling, Film Tracking, Mammography Tracking, and Medical History features, as well as an in-house and a third party Collections module. The Correct Coding Initiative module can be purchased as an addition to MED/FM to edit the charge data, searching for reasons for possible denial of claims before the charges are billed. The MED/FM "GUI" software also provides Transcription capabilities. This chapter explains basic iSeries® and MED/FM operations. The following topics are covered: Using the Keyboard and Frequently Used Keys Signing On and Off Using Menus and Submenus Using Menu Options Menu Shortcuts Security Features Function Keys Electronic Mail (Email) The Tickler System Screen Options The Bulletin Board Selection Screens View Sequences Data Entry Screens Browsing Report Prompt Screens Green Screen Version 1/1/10

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

2 How to Use MED/FM

Frequently Used Keys A detailed appendix of the IBM® 122-key keyboard is included at the back of this manual in the Appendix. There are a few keys, which are frequently used and referred to throughout the manual, and it is important to get to know them. These keys are most useful when working with the MED/FM "Green Screens." When using a PC to access the MED/FM software, the PC keyboard can be configured to have these keys available.

Enter Press the ENTER key to start an action or to process the information displayed on the current screen. For instance, press ENTER after changing a residential address to save the change to the master files. Press ENTER on the Patient Registration Selection Screen to add a new patient record, Enter or press ENTER on a Report Prompt Screen to send the report to the output queue to be printed. Pressing ENTER commands the computer to take an action. Caution! Be sure all fields in the screen or window have been completed before pressing ENTER.

Field Exit The FIELD EXIT key has several useful characteristics. It works as an "eraser" to wipe away any characters in front (to the right) of the cursor, causing the input field (typing area) to become blank. It also right-justifies numbers when pressed after they are keyed into a Field numeric field. Exit Press the FIELD EXIT key to move the cursor from one input field to the next input field, "clearing" the field as it goes. This is most effective when updating information. For example, to change the patient's first name from PATRICIA to PAT on a patient data entry screen, move the cursor to the left of the "R" and press FIELD EXIT. The cursor will advance through the rest of the "Patient First Name" field, erase the "RICIA," and be positioned on the "Middle Initial" field. FIELD EXIT pressed in a numeric input field will right justify all numbers to the left of the cursor and insert leading zeroes. For instance, to enter a value of "25" into a seven-digit numeric input field, type "25" into the field (2500000). The cursor will then be positioned after the "5." Press FIELD EXIT to advance the cursor to the next input field, and it will cause the 25 to move all the way to the right. It will also insert leading zeroes. The field will now appear as: 0000025. The FIELD MINUS and FIELD PLUS keys function the same way. FIELD MINUS enters the number as a negative number, and any mathematical calculations using the number will treat it as a negative quantity.

Caution! FIELD EXIT, FIELD MINUS, and FIELD PLUS erase input fields that already contain information! Use them only after typing the information or to move the cursor through empty input fields.

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New Line Normally, this key is only found on keyboards that work with "dumb" (non-PC) terminals. However PC's attached to the system via a Client Access session can have a key mapped to this function. Press the NEW LINE key to move the cursor down the data entry screen a whole line at a time. NEW LINE does not clear input fields. It only moves the cursor directly down the left side of the screen.

Use NEW LINE on data entry screens to move the cursor quickly down lines of input fields that do not need any entries. This key works in the same manner as the down arrow on a PC.

Tab (Forward) The TAB key moves the cursor from one input field to the next without erasing the contents of input fields. For instance, press the TAB key to move the cursor from the "Patient First Name" input field to the "Middle Initial" input field without clearing the patient's first | name.

The TAB key will be used throughout MED/FM. When in a data entry screen press the TAB key to advance to any field needing updating. The cursor moves to the beginning of the next field. Use TAB on data entry screens to quickly move the cursor through input fields that do not need any entries.

Tab (Backward) Press the TAB BACKSPACE key (SHIFT + TAB on a PC) to move the cursor backwards from the current input field to the previous input field. TAB BACKSPACE does not clear input fields. It | only moves the cursor backwards one field at a time. It moves in the opposite direction of the TAB key.

Use TAB (BACKWARD) on data entry and update screens to safely move the cursor backwards through input fields that already display information. The cursor moves to the beginning of the previous field.

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4 How to Use MED/FM

Mapping a PC Keyboard Using IBM iSeries Access IBM iSeries Access is a program that allows a PC to emulate an IBM workstation. Most keys on the PC keyboard can be mapped to emulate IBM workstation keys such as the Field Exit key. Data entry operators can map the keys in the number pad region of their keyboard to have all required cursor movement keys in a convenient spot, eliminating the need for much hand movement. A CPU hardware representative will assist in loading IBM iSeries Access onto PCs, providing desktop icons for fast access to MED/FM sessions. At the top of each session screen

IBM iSeries Access Workstation Emulation Session


A series of icons in the menu bar at the top of the screen allow for customizing some of the emulation settings such as the screen colors and keyboard emulation. To view or change the keyboard settings, click the REMAP KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS icon as shown in the image above. The Customize Keyboard – US Enhanced Screen will be displayed.

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How to Use MED/FM 5 Customize Keyboard – US Enhanced Screen

Click the key whose function is to be modified. Typically, a data entry operator wants the "Enter" button in the number pad region to act as an IBM ENTER key, and perhaps the "*" key in the number pad region to act as a forward-tab key. In this example, the "Enter" key will be changed to act as an IBM ENTER key. To change the emulation settings, click the key whose function is to be modified. It will be outlined in red. In the sample above, the "Enter" button of the number pad region was clicked. Next, click the browse arrow in the "Function" field in the bottom left side of the screen. Scroll down until the desired function is found. For this example, locate and click "Enter." Finally, in the "Change Current Actions for Selected Key" region, click the button beside the keycombination that should be changed. The most common key-combinations are: Base – The selected key is pressed by itself. Shift – The Shift key is pressed and held, and then the selected key is pressed. Ctrl – The Ctrl key is pressed and held, and then the selected key is pressed. Alt – The Alt key is pressed and held, and then the selected key is pressed. To change multiple key combinations for the selected key, click the selected item in the "Function" window and then click the key-combination. The item in the "Function" column must be selected before each key-combination is selected. When finished, click the exit button in the upper right corner of the window. A prompt window will be presented asking if the changes should be saved. Click "Yes." The keyboard mapping is saved to a file named AS400.KMP.

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6 How to Use MED/FM

Signing On and Off The Sign On Screen appears each time a user turns on a display station. When the Sign On Screen is displayed, the display station is inactive. When a terminal is not going to be used for an extended break, sign off of the terminal to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing the MED/FM system and the financial database. The terminal is activated when a user signs on with their user ID and password. Each user must have a valid user ID and password to sign on. A CPU Technical Instructor will help create the user ID's and passwords during the MED/FM software training. After training, the billing manager or supervisor should be responsible for assigning user ID's and passwords.

The Sign On Screen Sign On System . . . . . : Subsystem . . . . : Display . . . . . : User . . . . . . Password . . . . Program/procedure Menu . . . . . . Current library .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .


. . . . .

(C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1980, 2003.

Signing On To sign on to the MED/FM system, type a user ID in the "User" input field. Often a first name is used. Press FIELD EXIT or TAB to move the cursor to the "Password" input field, and then type the password in this field. A password can be unique to one person or can be used by several people. For security reasons, the password will not be displayed as it is typed. Once a valid "User" and "Password" have been typed, press ENTER to sign on to the iSeries®. The MED/FM Main Menu will be displayed.

Signing Off To sign off of the MED/FM system from a data entry screen, press the F3 (Exit) function key to return to the previous menu. From any menu, type "90" in the "Option" field, and then press ENTER. Or, if authorized, type "signoff" in the "Shortcut" field from any menu, and then press ENTER. The display station will be inactivated and the Sign On Screen will be displayed. On a PC, click the close button ⌧ in the upper right corner of the Sign On Screen to completely sign off of the system.

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How to Use MED/FM 7

Using Menus All of the MED/FM features are accessed from menus. Menus contain the option titles and numbers that make it easy to select and access different features.

The MED/FM Main Menu Heading

Data Set: X70 004 System : CPU35


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Patient Registration Enter Transactions Change Transactions Account History Removed Accounts File Maintenance Monthend Processing Status of Billing Collections Telephone Directory

Date: 01/01/2010 Menu: MAINFM

Menu Title

M E N U 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Reports Letters and Mailing Labels Appointment Scheduling Transcription Film Tracking Mammography Tracking Medical History Billing Custom Programs Hospital Data Capture More..


Entry Fields


COPYRIGHT 1986-2010

Function Keys

F3=Exit F6=Browse

F20=Set cursor

Continuatio n

Shortcut CPU Medical Management Systems

F7=Spooled files F21=Command line

F9=Submitted Jobs F13=Scheduled Jobs


Following are descriptions of the key parts of the Main Menu.

Heading The heading is comprised of two lines (located at the top of the screen). The first line specifies the acronym of the dataset that being accessed, the screen ID number, the MED/FM version (Release 7.0), and the current date. The second line of the heading displays the computer system name (important for users with PC workstations or multiple iSeries®' processors), the name of the practice represented by the dataset acronym, and the name of the menu currently displayed. For example, the screen above shows that the user has signed onto the X70 dataset ("CPU MEDICAL ASSOCIATES"), using MED/FM Release 7.0, on January 1, 2010. MED/FM is running on the CPU35 computer system, and the current menu displayed is the Main Menu (MAINFM).

Menu Title Each menu within MED/FM has its own title. The menu title is located in the center of the screen above the menu options. When a menu other than the Main Menu is displayed, press the F12 (Previous) function key to exit the menu or submenu and return to the previous menu, and ultimately return to the Main Menu. Green Screen Version 1/1/10

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Options Each option listed on the menu represents a feature of the MED/FM system. The option title describes the function that the feature performs. To access a feature, type the corresponding option number in the "Option" input field at the bottom of the screen, and then press ENTER. The selected feature of MED/FM will be displayed. For instance, if option"1" (Patient Registration) is typed into the "Option" field on the Main Menu and ENTER is pressed, the Bulletin Board Screen will be displayed in the Patient Registration module If a menu option is selected that contains a submenu, the submenu will be displayed, and all applicable features of that submenu will be listed. Most options (6, 9, and 11 through 20) contain submenus. For instance, if option "13" (Appointment Scheduling) is selected from the Main Menu, the Appointment Scheduling Menu will be displayed, which will list the options and features that are related to the Appointment Scheduling module. Submenus are identical to the major menus, except that submenus contain the F12 (Previous) function key, which may be used to return to the previous menu.

Continuation If the word "More…" is located on the right-hand portion of the screen below the menu options, this indicates that the menu will continue on the next "page" (screen), with additional options available to be selected. Press the PAGE DOWN key to display the next set of menu options located on the second page. If there are no more pages to be displayed, "Bottom" will be displayed instead of "More..." From the second menu page, press the PAGE UP key to return to the first page of the menu.

Entry Fields Every menu displays three entry fields to provide an efficient and fast way to get around the MED/FM system. The three entry fields are: "Option," "Menu," and "Shortcut."

Option This field is used to select an option from the menu. Type the number of the corresponding option in the "Option" field and press ENTER. The selected module or submenu will be accessed. Users must be authorized to use an option (via the Security file) in order to select it. For example, to access the Patient Registration module, type a "1" in the "Option" field, and then press ENTER. If the menu contains multiple pages of options, the number of an option found beyond the first page of the menu can be selected even though it is not currently displayed on the screen (the menu option must be found on one of the menu's pages). The "Option" field can also be used in conjunction with the "Menu" field to select an option from a different menu. If the desired option is located on another menu, type the option number (from the other menu) in the "Option" field, type the menu name of where the option is located in the "Menu" field, and then press ENTER. For example, to select the "Insurance Tracking Report" (option 1) from the Insurance Reports Menu, type a "1" in the "Option" field, type "RPTMN6" in the "Menu" field, and then press ENTER.

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Menu Business functions have been categorized according to task, and each task category has a menu name. For instance, all tasks relating to billing can be found on the menu named BILMNU. To access the desired menu, type the menu name (without an option number) in the "Menu" field, and then press ENTER. The selected menu will immediately be displayed. The "Menu" field can be browsed for valid entries. Place the cursor in the "Menu" field and then press F6 (Browse) in order to search for a specific menu name. The Menu Selection Window will be displayed, listing all of the menus to which the signed on user is authorized.

The Menu Selection Window


Show Menus


Position to....




Seven menu names will be displayed at a time. To view additional menus, press the PAGE DOWN or PAGE UP keys. Search for a menu by typing the menu name in the "Position to" field, and then press ENTER. The Menu Selection Window list will be repositioned with the desired menu at the top of the list. If the menu name is not found, the first menu displayed will be the one that is alphabetically after the one that entered. For example, if "BILLING" is typed into in the "Position to" field, upon pressing ENTER, "BILMNU" (Billing Menu) will be the first menu displayed, since "Billing" is not a valid menu name. To select a menu from the Menu Selection Window, type a "1" in the field to the left of the desired menu, and then press ENTER. The selected menu name will be automatically inserted into the "Menu" field on the menu. Press ENTER again to go to the selected menu.

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10 How to Use MED/FM

Shortcut A "shortcut" is a one-word command that enables a user to go directly to a feature that may not be displayed on the current menu. CPU has assigned default shortcut names to every menu item. Users can assign aliases to these shortcuts if desired. The shortcut feature allows users to quickly run a menu option or an operating system command (such as WRKACTJOB) from any menu without changing the menu currently displayed. Type the shortcut name into the "Shortcut" field and press ENTER. Optionally, press the F6 (Browse) function key from the "Shortcut" field to display the Shortcuts Selection Window and select a shortcut from there.

The Shortcuts Selection Window Shortcuts Type options, press Enter. 1=Select 2=Alias 4=Delete Shortcut ACTTYPE ADJS ALLERGY APCANCEL APCFGPGM APCHG APCLOSE F3=Exit



Filter ...... CPU NAME Position to..

Description Activity by Charge Type Report Payment & Adjustment Codes Allergies Cancellation Reasons Scheduling Configuration Procedure/Exams Daily Close More... F12=Previous

The Shortcuts Selection Window displays a list of CPU standard shortcut commands. From this window, select a shortcut, create an alias for a shortcut, or delete a shortcut. The Shortcuts Selection Window contains a function key (F5) used to toggle the window between three different views. The three available views are: All, which displays all of the available shortcuts; Alias only, which displays the shortcuts by their alias name; and CPU only, which displays all of the standard shortcuts created by CPU. Following are instructions for selecting and deleting shortcuts, as well as instructions for editing a shortcut alias.

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How to Use MED/FM 11 Selecting a Shortcut 1

From the Shortcuts Selection Window, locate the shortcut to be executed. If the shortcut is not listed in the window, press the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys to scroll through additional pages of shortcuts. Optionally, type the shortcut name in the "Position to" field and then press ENTER. The list of shortcuts will be repositioned with the shortcut that comes closest alphabetically to the typed shortcut positioned at the top of the list.


Type a "1" in the field next to the desired shortcut, and then press ENTER.


The shortcut name will be inserted into the "Shortcut" field on the menu. Press ENTER again to execute the shortcut command or module. For example, if the "APDOC" shortcut is selected, upon pressing ENTER, the Doctor File will be displayed.

Editing a Shortcut Alias Aliases can be assigned to CPU shortcuts to provide a more meaningful name for users. Use the "Alias" feature to do this. 1

To create a shortcut alias, locate the shortcut option to be customized by scrolling through the Shortcuts Selection Window.


Type a "2" in the field next to the desired shortcut description.


Press ENTER. The Assigning an Alias to a Shortcut Window will be displayed.

The Assigning an Alias to a Shortcut Window Assigning an Alias to a Shortcut Enter Transactions CPU shortcut name: TRANS User alias name:





Type the new alias (shortcut name) in the "User alias name" field and press ENTER. In this example, the alias "TE" is used for the "TRANS" shortcut, which takes a user to the Enter Transactions module.

The alias is immediately activated and may be used to quickly access the feature. Place the cursor in the "Shortcut" field on the menu, type the alias, and then press ENTER.

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MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

12 How to Use MED/FM Deleting a Shortcut If a shortcut was created, but is no longer needed, it may be deleted using the following steps. 1

Locate the shortcut name and type a "4" in the field next to it.


Press ENTER. The Deleting a Shortcut Alias Window will be displayed.

The Deleting a Shortcut Alias Window Deleting a Shortcut Alias Enter Transactions CPU shortcut name: TRANS User alias name... TE Are you sure you want to delete this record? F3=Exit



If the record should be deleted, type a "Y" in the prompt field and press ENTER. The unwanted shortcut will be removed. To keep the shortcut, type an "N" in the prompt field and press ENTER, or press the F12 (Previous) function key.

Function Keys Menus contain function keys that may be used to perform a variety of functions. The available function keys are located at the bottom of the menu. Every MED/FM menu has standard functions that may be performed. All menus and submenus, except for the Main Menu, contain an additional function key (F12) that is used to return to the Main Menu. The function keys that may be used from MED/FM menus will allow users to browse the "Shortcut" and "Menu" fields, view their spooled files and submitted jobs, view any system-generated messages, set the default position of the cursor on the menu, and display the command line. Refer to the "Using Function Keys" section on page 14 for a description of the function keys that may be used from the MED/FM menus.

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How to Use MED/FM 13

Security Features MED/FM incorporates security features at file, function, and menu option levels. In the MED/FM Security File, user access to the major auxiliary files can be established. Each user can have "full" access to an auxiliary file (which allows them to add, delete, and update the records within the file), "view-only" access (which allows them to see the record contents but does not allow them to make changes or add or delete records), or "no" access to the file. Along with file access, major function authority can also be specified in the Security File. These functions include Transaction Entry, Patient Registration, Credit Refund Processing, and more. Each option on each menu within MED/FM can be set with user level authority limiting their ability to see (and therefore select) menu options to which they are not authorized. Group profiles can be established to identify departments within a facility utilizing MED/FM to set default menu options and user authorities. As new users are created in MED/FM, they can be assigned to a group and automatically assume the group's authority options. The Security file features are discussed in Chapter 6, File Maintenance, in this manual.

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14 How to Use MED/FM

Using Function Keys Every screen in the MED/FM system utilizes function keys. The function keys on the menus provide a means of interacting with the iSeries® without having to exit the dataset or key long commands. Function keys are displayed at the bottom of most MED/FM menus and screens, and they will match the function keys on the keyboard. The name of the function is shown after the function number (for example, F12 = Previous) and is as self-explanatory as possible. When using a PC, the F13 through F24 function keys are accessed by pressing SHIFT along with the corresponding function key. For example, pressing SHIFT and F4 would access the F16 function key. In many instances, functions let users perform a specific action without exiting the current option. For example, press F14 (Notes) on the Patient History Screen to review and enter free-form notes into the patient's account. The Patient Notes Window displays in the foreground while the patient history remains in the background.

Standard MED/FM Function Keys There are several function keys that perform the same function no matter where they appear throughout the system. The standard keys are described in this section. In the ensuing chapters, these keys will be mentioned, but to save space and prevent redundancy, their descriptions will not be repeated. If the functions operate differently than the standard description, they will be explained in the applicable chapter(s) of this manual.

F3 = Exit Use this function key to exit the current module and return to the corresponding menu, or to exit the current menu and return to the Main Menu. If F3 is pressed from the MED/FM Main Menu, the Dataset Selection Screen or the iSeries® Main Menu may be displayed, depending on how the system is configured.

The Dataset Selection Screen GJBMNU

MED/FM Data Set Selection

Acronym A70 R70 V70 X70 Z70


System Description CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU


Bottom COPYRIGHT 1986-2010 Computer Processing Unlimited, Inc. Enter Acronym or Command ===>


MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0



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How to Use MED/FM 15 From the Dataset Selection Screen, type one of the acronyms listed to access that data set, or key a command on the command line. Press F4 after typing a command to display a prompt screen of additional parameters. Sign off of the system from this screen by pressing the F24 (Signoff) function key. When F3 is pressed from the Main Menu on a single data set system, the OS/400® Main Menu will be displayed. The OS/400® Main Menu MAIN

OS/400 Main Menu System:


Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

User tasks Office tasks General system tasks Files, libraries, and folders

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Communications Define or change the system Problem handling Display a menu Information Assistant options Client Access/400 tasks

90. Sign off Selection or command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F23=Set initial menu (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1980, 2005.

F13=Information Assistant

The OS/400® Main Menu is used to perform a variety of functions with the iSeries® system. Refer to the iSeries® User's Guide for a description of the available functions on this screen, or press F13 (Information Assistant) for an online help feature. To sign off of the iSeries®, type "90" on the command line at the bottom of the screen, and then press ENTER.

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F4 = Delete For auxiliary files, Transaction Entry, Open Item Payment Entry, and Email, this function key will delete the record currently being displayed. To delete the record, press F4. The "Caution - Do you really want to delete this record?" prompt will appear near the bottom of the screen with a default answer of "N."

The Doctor Record Screen with the Deletion Prompt X70 08:00 AM Update Mode Location/Number: 01 00001

Doctor File

* This doctor has notes!

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Exceptions exist Status: Active

Doctor Name..... CHAMBERS, MICHAEL Practice: CPUMG Doctor Title.... M.D. (M.D., D.D.S., etc.) Facility: CPUDR Address Line 1.. 9235 ACTIVITY ROAD Phone.... 619 597 0875 Address Line 2.. SUITE #104 Fax #.... 619 530 2615 City, St, Zip... SAN DIEGO CA 92126 4440 Doctor type..... A Doctor Since... 000000 Specialty....... DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Letter Number... 00000 Doctor Email.... ECS Sub-ID..... NPI(1).. NPI0000001 Billing NPI(2).. P R O V I D E R I D E N T I F I C A T I O N N U M B E R S Medicare I.D.#... 00001MCARE (01) State License#. 00001STLIC (06) Medicaid I.D.#... 00001MCAID (02) UPIN Number.... A12345 (07) B/S or B/C I.D.#. 00001BCBS (03) Social Security#: 111 22 3333 (08) Champus I.D.#.... 00001CHAMP (04) Other I.D. #... (09) IRS Tax I.D.#.... 987654321 (05) Other I.D. #... (10) --CAUTION- Do you really want to delete this record? (Y or N)... N F3=Exit F4=Delete F10=Inactivate F14=Doctor Notes F12=Previous F5=Refresh F6=Browse F16=Exception

To delete the record, type a "Y" in the "Do you really want to delete this record?" prompt field, and then press ENTER. Please use caution when deleting auxiliary file records. A record should not be deleted if it is linked to any patient’s account (such as a charge procedure code or a location code). If a deleted record is linked to a patient’s account, some screens and reports may reflect that the record is "not on file," or even issue an error. Inactivating a record can be used as an alternative to deleting a record that should no longer be used (refer to the "F10 = Activate/Inactivate" section later in this chapter for additional information on activating and inactivating a record).

F5 = Refresh In Update Mode, use the F5 (Refresh) function to reset changed input fields to their previous values. For instance, if any information on a screen was changed and the user realized they accessed the wrong account, pressing F5 will return all fields on the screen to their original values. Note: Be sure to press F5 before pressing ENTER or the record will have already been updated. Then F5 will not be able to reset the fields to their former value. They will have to be reset manually. The History of Changes screen will keep track of changes applied to the account, but today's changes will not be accessible until the next time the system is powered up. While updates to an account take effect immediately, the history of change records are written to the accessible file during daily start up.

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How to Use MED/FM 17

F6 = Browse Use the F6 (Browse) function to search for and retrieve information from auxiliary files without exiting the current screen. This function may be used to display, select, add, or change auxiliary file records without exiting the current module. In some cases, this function can be used to select a date from a Calendar Window. If F6 appears as an available function on a screen, any field within the screen that represents an auxiliary file can be browsed. Only fields that refer to an auxiliary file are browsable via F6, such as the "Financial Class," "Printer," and "Doctor" fields. For instance, when adding insurance coverage information to an account, press F6 from the "Insurance Company" field to search for and select the appropriate insurance company from the MED/FM Insurance Companies file. Note: The user must have at least "view-only" authority to be able to browse a file. To browse a file, place the cursor in the desired field and press F6. The applicable Browse Window (Selection Window) will be displayed. The file records will be listed in alphabetical order.

The Doctors File Browse Window Physicians Type options, press Enter. 1=Select 2=Change Opt

Code 01-00001 01-00003 01-00002 01-00009 01-00010 01-00006 01-00005


Position to...



If the required record is not displayed in the window, type the name in the "Position to" field and press ENTER to search through the file. For instance, when searching for the code for Dr. Richard Smith, type "Smith" or "Sm" in the "Position to" field and press ENTER. The window will be repositioned with the name or description entered displayed at the top of the listing. Press the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys to scroll forward or backward through the file until the desired record appears in the window. From the Browse Window, users may select a record, update an existing record, or add a new record if authorized. The Browse function is also available for the "Menu" and "Shortcut" fields on all menus as previously described.

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18 How to Use MED/FM

Selecting a Browsable File Record To select a record while browsing a file, type a "1" in the "Sel" or "Opt" field beside it and press ENTER. The screen from which the F6 key was pressed will be redisplayed with the selected record brought forward. In many cases, where space is available, some values from the selected record will be displayed on the screen. For example, if a financial class is selected from the browse window, the financial class code and description will be brought forward into the Family Screen. If there is not room on the screen for additional values, only the selected code will be displayed.

Changing a Browsable File Record To change a value within a record while browsing its file, type a "2" in the "Sel" or "Opt" field beside it and press ENTER. The associated record will be displayed in either "View" or "Update" mode, depending on the user's authority level. In "Update" mode, all fields can be changed. In "View" mode, the fields are displayed in a protected status. After changing the incorrect values, press ENTER. The record will be updated. All MED/FM reports, billings, and options will utilize the new values.

The Doctor Record Screen X70 08:00 AM Update Mode

Doctor File

Location/Number: 01 00001

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Exceptions exist

* This doctor has notes!

Status: Active

Doctor Name..... CHAMBERS, MICHAEL Practice: CPUMG Doctor Title.... M.D. (M.D., D.D.S., etc.) Facility: CPUDR Address Line 1.. 9235 ACTIVITY ROAD Phone.... 619 597 0875 Address Line 2.. SUITE #104 Fax #.... 619 530 2615 City, St, Zip... SAN DIEGO CA 92126 4440 Doctor type..... A Doctor Since... 000000 Specialty....... DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Letter Number... 00000 Doctor Email.... ECS Sub-ID..... NPI(1).. NPI0000001 Billing NPI(2).. P R O V I D E R I D E N T I F I C A T I O N N U M B E R S Medicare I.D.#... 00001MCARE (01) State License#. 00001STLIC (06) Medicaid I.D.#... 00001MCAID (02) UPIN Number.... A12345 (07) B/S or B/C I.D.#. 00001BCBS (03) Social Security#: 111 22 3333 (08) Champus I.D.#.... 00001CHAMP (04) Other I.D. #... (09) IRS Tax I.D.#.... 987654321 (05) Other I.D. #... (10) F3=Exit F12=Previous

F4=Delete F5=Refresh

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

F10=Inactivate F6=Browse

F14=Doctor Notes F16=Exception

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 19

Adding a Browsable File Record To add a new record to a file while browsing it, press the F9 (Add) function key. MED/FM will check the user's authority, and if they have full authority to the file, its selection screen will be displayed in "Entry" mode.

The Doctor File Selection Screen X70 08:00 AM Doctor File Entry Mode Loc-Doctor Doctor Name 01-00100 ARONSON, ALEX, M.D. 01-00101 BENNETT, BAXTER, M.D. 01-00102 CANSECO, CARLOTTA, M.D. 01-00001 CHAMBERS, MICHAEL, M.D. 01-00103 DAVIS, DARLENE, M.D. 01-00003 DAVIS, HAROLD, M.D. 01-00002 DIVINE, CORETTA, M.D. 01-00104 EVANS, EUGENE, M.D. 01-00105 FONTANA, FREDERICK, M.D. 01-00009 GOLDSTEIN, YOIDA, M.D. 01-00106 GOMEZ, GLORIA, M.D. 01-00107 HARRIS, HERMAN, M.D. 01-00010 HOBBS, CALVIN, M.D. 01-00108 IBARRA, INEZ, M.D.

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Type R R R A R A A R R A R R A R

Prov. #1

Prov. #2



00003MCARE 00002MCARE

00003MCAID 00002MCAID


Enter the location/doctor code you wish to add..... 01 00000 or Position to description............................ F3=Exit F8=List

F2=Copy Attending F11=Cards/Labels

F9=UPDATE mode F1=Generate Key


Page Keys

Type the code to be added, and then press ENTER. Some file, such as the Attending and Referring Physicians file and the Insurance Companies file provide a function button (F1) to generate the next available key. Upon pressing ENTER, the corresponding File Record Screen (shown on the previous page) will be displayed in Entry Mode. Type all available information into the provided fields and press ENTER. The new record will be added to the file. The browse window will be redisplayed with the new record positioned at the top of the list. To select the new record, type a "1" beside it and press ENTER. Refer to Chapter 6, File Maintenance, for detailed instructions on adding and updating an auxiliary file record.

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20 How to Use MED/FM

Browsing Date Fields Some screens within the MED/FM Appointment Scheduling and reporting modules provide the ability to select a date by using the F6 function key while the cursor is positioned in the date field. The Calendar Window will be displayed.

The Calendar Window ID00119 January 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Key date, press Enter..... 00 F3=Exit F12=Previous Page keys

The current month will be displayed with the current date highlighted. Press the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys to scroll back or forward one month at a time. To select a date from a displayed month, type the date in the "Key date, press Enter" field, and then press ENTER. The selected date will then be input into the browsed "date" field.

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How to Use MED/FM 21

F7 = E-Mail Use this function to send or review messages (Email) to/from other users on the iSeries®. Each user has an electronic mailbox that stores the Emails that they have sent and received from other personnel. Email is available from the options on the Main Menu that present the Bulletin Board Screen. These include options 1, (Patient Registration), 2 (Enter Transactions), 3 (Change Transactions), 4, (Account History), and 17 (Medical History). When new Email has arrived, "New Mail" will be displayed in the upper right corner of the Bulletin Board Screen. To access the electronic mailbox, press the F7 function key from any Bulletin Board Screen

The Email Received Screen X70

8:00 AM


Electronic Mail

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Messages Received

Type options, press Enter. 1=Select 4=Delete 5=View Opt

Message The CIGNA payor ID was incorrect. Remember we have an appointment reg I need you to work all claims in th Your reports are on the printer. When did Blue Shield of California Can we print a report of reimbursem I brought your lunch. It's in the


F7=Send Message



F9=Messages sent

Date 12/17/09 12/15/09 12/16/09 12/02/09 12/03/09 12/05/09 12/12/09

Time 8:24 AM 8:25 AM 8:26 AM 11:04 AM 11:22 AM 12:05 PM 12:30 PM


Initially, MED/FM will display all messages received. The first few characters of the message is displayed along with a status, the user ID of the person who sent the message, and the date and time of the message. To view "sent" Email, press the F9 (Messages Sent) function key. The Email Sent Screen will be displayed. This screen is identical to the Email Received Screen, except that the "From" column is replaced with a "To" column to indicate to whom the Email was sent. The "Date" and "Time" fields will now reflect the date and time the Email was sent. To return to the Email Received Screen, press the F9 (Messages Received) function key. From the Email Received and Sent Screens, use the available options to view an Email, delete an Email, reply to an Email, or send new Email.

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22 How to Use MED/FM

Sending Email From the Email Received or Sent Screen, press the F7 (Send Message) function key in order to send an Email. When you press F7, the Send Email Screen will be displayed.

The Send Email Screen X70

8:00 AM


Electronic Mail

01/01/10 QPADEV0006

Send message to: IVANA Request reply?: Y Message......... Will you be available to work the Claim Tracking Denial Queue for charges denied due to coding issues for the rest of the week while Debra is out at the ICD-10 learning seminar?




Type the user ID of the recipient in the "Send message to" field. To select the recipient from a list of valid user ID's, press the F6 (Browse) function key. To provide the recipient a data entry line to respond to the message, type a "Y" in the "Request reply" field. If the message is just for informational purposes and does not require a response, type an "N" in this field. Type the details of the message in the "Message" field. Upon reaching the end of a line, the text will automatically wrap around to the next line. When the user receives the message, it will be presented in a logical format. Press ENTER to send the message.

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How to Use MED/FM 23

Selecting and Replying to Email From the Email Received or Sent Screen, type a "1" (Select) in the "Opt" field next to an Email to read and/or respond to it, and then press ENTER. The Electronic Mail Screen will be displayed with the selected Email shown.

The Electronic Mail Screen X70

8:00 AM


Received from... MARY

Electronic Mail

Date sent.. 12/17/09 Reply sent:

01/01/10 QPADEV0006

Time sent.... Time replied:

8:24 AM

Message......... The CIGNA payor ID was incorrect. Can you resubmit all CIGNA claims from 12/01/09 through 12/15/09? We have fixed the payor ID.





This screen will display the name of the user that sent the Email, the date and time that the Email was sent, the date and time that the reply was sent (if applicable), and the text of the original message. If the person who sent the Email requests a response, type the response in the "Reply" fields, and then press ENTER. The sender will receive the response immediately. Press F12 (Previous) to return to the Bulletin Board Screen. Note: If an Email is selected from the Email Sent Screen by using the "Select" option (option 1), the screen will be displayed in View Mode.

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24 How to Use MED/FM

Deleting Email Emails will remain until they are manually deleted. To delete an Email, type a "4" in the "Opt" field next to it, and then press ENTER. The Electronic Mail Screen will be displayed with a prompt in the middle of the screen asking "Are you sure you want to delete this record?" Type a "Y" to delete the Email, or type and "N" to keep it on file. An Email can also be deleted while reading it. While the Electronic Mail Screen is displayed, press the F4 (Delete) function key. The deletion prompt will be displayed.

Viewing Email From the Email Received or Sent Screen, view an Email by typing a "5" (View) in the "Opt" field next to it, and then press ENTER. The Electronic Mailbox Screen will be displayed with the selected message shown. Refer to the previous page for an example of the Electronic Mailbox Screen. In "View" mode, no changes or responses can be made.

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How to Use MED/FM 25

F7 = Ext JobQ Options This function enables users to schedule reports, billings, and file backups to run at a later time or date. A window containing job scheduling options will be displayed.

The Optional Extended Job Queue Parameters Window ID02291 Optional Extended JobQ Parameters NOTE: All parameters are optional Date job will run........(mmddyy).. 000000 Time job will run....(hhmm Am/Pm).. 0000 Job name on system................. Job queue to use................... Job description to use............. Job priority (3/High 9/Low)....... 0 Hold job on jobq................... (Y/N) Message queue...................... Print text..... F3=Exit



Use the Extended Job Queue Parameters Window to schedule the processing of a report to run during non-peak business hours.

Extended Job Queue Parameters input fields While you are able to input values into each of these fields, CPU recommends that unless you are an experienced iSeries® Systems Operator, you limit yourself to the "Date," "Time," and "Print Text" fields. Accepting the defaults for the remaining fields assures that your job will utilize standard iSeries® batch processing and will not adversely affect other jobs. Following are definitions of the input fields that are found on the Optional Extended Job Queue Parameters Window. Date job will run Enter the date that the job should run in mmddyy format. Time job will run Enter the time in hhmm format that the job should start. Enter "A" or "P" in the field beside the time to indicate AM or PM. To schedule the job to run at 7:30 pm, enter "0730 P". Job name on system Optionally, enter a name for the job. When the job has completed, a message that includes the job name will be sent indicating that the job has completed.

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26 How to Use MED/FM Job queue to use Leave this field blank to use QBATCH. To use a different job queue, enter its name. This field should only be used by experienced iSeries® operators. Job description to use Leave this field blank to use QDFTJOBD. To use a different job description, enter its name. This field should only be used by experienced iSeries® operators. Job priority on job queue Leave this field blank to use standard level priority "5". To give your job a different priority as it is submitted to the job queue, change the value. "3" is high priority which can put your job ahead of others, while "9" is low priority. This field should only be used by experienced iSeries® operators. Hold job on job queue Enter "Y" to submit the job to the job queue, on a hold status. It will have to be released manually. Leave the field blank to submit the job on a released status. Message queue Leave this field blank to use your message queue. To use a different job queue, enter its name. This field should only be used by experienced iSeries® operators. When the job has completed, a message will be sent to this message queue. Print text Enter a literal to be printed at the bottom of each page of printed output generated by this task. For example, "DELIVER TO JACK SMITH". This can help describe the report or provide a routing direction.

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How to Use MED/FM 27

F7 = Spooled Files Press F7 from any MED/FM menu to display all spooled print files assigned to the current user ID. The Work with All Spooled Files Screen will be displayed. This is an iSeries® screen and is not part of the MED/FM system.

The Work with All Spooled Files Screen (View 1) Work with All Spooled Files Type options, press Enter. 1=Send 2=Change 3=Hold 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Attributes 9=Work with printing status






Parameters for options 1, 2, 3 or command ===> F3=Exit F10=View 4 F11=View 2 F12=Cancel



Total Pages 10 2 12 2 1 1 1 1 1



Cur Page

Copy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 More...

F24=More keys

The Work with All Spooled Files Screen shows all of the spooled files on the system for the user signed on at the workstation. Use the options at the top of the screen to work with an individual spooled file. The options are described later in this chapter. Command parameters can be typed on the command line to complete the selected option. For instance to change multiple spooled files to print on a different printer all at once instead of one-at-a-time, type a "2" beside each appropriate spooled file, then tab down to the command line. Type DEV(device name) on the command line. Replace device name with the actual printer name. All selected spooled files will be moved to the new printer at the same time. To see what types of options are available for each option, type the option number in the "Opt" field and press F4. A prompt screen will be displayed listing the available parameters. From the prompt screen, press F11 to see the keyword that can be typed on the command line, such as "DEV." The Work with All Spooled Files Screen provides four different views that display different information. To display a different view, press the F11 (View) function key. The columns displayed with the four views are described on the following pages.

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28 How to Use MED/FM

View 1 Columns File The name of the spooled report file as specified in the program that created it. User The name of the user who generated the spooled file or report. Device or Queue The printer device or printer output queue into which the spooled file was sent. If an actual printer name is specified, the report will print on that printer when it is available. User Data The ten characters of user or program specified data that describes this file. In MED/FM this field can help identify the report that generated the spooled file. Sts (Status) The status of the spooled file. The following list of values is used to describe the file's status: RDY (Ready) - The file is available to be written to an output device by a writer. OPN (Open) - The file has not been completely processed and is not ready to be selected by a writer. DFR (Deferred) - The file has been deferred from printing. SND (Sending) - The file is being or has been sent to a remote system. CLO (Closed) - The file has been completely processed by a program, but SCHEDULE(*JOBEND) was specified, and the job that produced the file has not yet finished. HLD (Held) - The file has been held. SAV (Saved) - The file has been written and then saved. This file will remain saved until it is released. WTR (Writer) - This file is currently being produced by the writer on an output device. PND (Pending) - The file is pending to be printed. PRT (Printing) - The file has been completely sent to the printer, but print complete status has not been sent back. MSGW (Message Waiting) - This file has a message that needs a reply or an action to be taken. The following status values with a "*" in front of them will be displayed when an action was performed on the file as a result of taking an option. *CHG (Changed) - This file was changed using option "2" (Change). *HLD (Held) - This file was held using option "3" (Hold). *RLS (Released) - This file was released using option "6" (Release).

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How to Use MED/FM 29 Total Pages The total number of pages or records in the file (pages for print, records for diskette). If the file is still open, this field is blank for diskette files or will have the current number of pages spooled for printer files. An "R" is displayed after the value if the file is a diskette file. Note: If an asterisk (*) appears to the right of the total pages attribute, the exact size and content of each page cannot be determined until the spooled file prints. If the spooled file attribute device type is *AFPDSLINE, the total pages attribute is always an asterisk. If the spooled file device type is *LINE and a page definition is used, the total pages attribute is always an asterisk. If the spooled file device type is *AFPDS and the file did not originate on an iSeries®, the total pages attribute is always an asterisk. If the device type is *SCS and the spooled file contains ASCII or *USERASCII data, the total number of pages is unknown and the value is set to 1. Cur (Current) Page This column shows the page number currently being printed if the file has a status of WTR. The page number shown may be lower or higher than the actual current number because of buffering done by the system. This column will display the page number currently being converted if the file has a status of PND. (Converted means that the printer writer is processing the file to prepare it to be sent to the printer.) This column will display the current record number being written, if the file is a diskette file. An "R" follows the record number for diskette files. Zero (0) will be displayed in this column if the file was to be printed, but is being redirected to a diskette device. Copy The number of copies remaining to print for files to be processed by a printer writer. This field is always "1" for diskette files, as multiple copies of diskette files are not allowed.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

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30 How to Use MED/FM Press the F11 (View 2) function key from the Work with All Spooled Files Screen to display the second view of the Work with All Spooled Files Screen.

The Work with All Spooled Files Screen (View 2) Work with All Spooled Files Type options, press Enter. 1=Send 2=Change 3=Hold 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Attributes 9=Work with printing status





Pty 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Creation Date 07/29/09 07/29/09 07/29/09 07/29/09 12/09/09 12/09/09 12/09/09 12/09/09 12/09/09



Creation Time 14:24:29 14:24:29 14:24:29 14:24:37 10:58:51 11:47:01 11:49:15 11:50:33 11:51:29 More...

Parameters for options 1, 2, 3 or command ===> F3=Exit F10=View 1 F11=View 3 F12=Cancel


F24=More keys

View 2 Columns The "File" and "User" columns displayed in the second view are identical to the first view. Refer to "View 1 Columns" on the previous page for a description of these two columns. Form Type The type of the forms that should be loaded on the printer. For diskette files, this field is blank. Pty (Priority) The output priority assigned to the file. The values range from "1" (highest) to "9" (lowest). Creation Date The date of when the file was created. Creation Time The time of when this file was created.

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Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 31 Press the F11 (View 3) function key from the Work with All Spooled Files Screen in order to display the third view of the Work with All Spooled Files Screen.

The Work with All Spooled Files Screen (View 3) Work with All Spooled Files Type options, press Enter. 1=Send 2=Change 3=Hold 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Attributes 9=Work with printing status



File Nbr 7 9 8 15 2 3 6 9 12





Number 195777 195777 195777 195777 287171 287166 287166 287166 287166 More...

Parameters for options 1, 2, 3 or command ===> F3=Exit F10=View 2 F11=View 4 F12=Cancel


F24=More keys

View 3 Columns The "File," "User," and "Queue" columns that are displayed in the third view are identical to the first view. Refer to "View 1 Columns" on page 28 for a description of these three columns. File Nbr (Number) The file number for this spooled file. Job The name of the job that produced the spooled file. Number The number of the job that produced this spooled file. Library The name of the library that contains the output queue.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

32 How to Use MED/FM Press the F11 (View 4) function key from the Work with All Spooled Files Screen to display the fourth view of the Work with All Spooled Files Screen.

The Work with All Spooled Files Screen (View 4) Work with All Spooled Files Type options, press Enter. 1=Send 2=Change 3=Hold 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Attributes 9=Work with printing status





ASP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Last Used Date 07/21/09 01/19/09 01/19/09 01/19/09 01/19/09 06/24/09 12/09/09 12/09/09 12/09/09


Spooled File Size (K) 84 28 84 28 32 32 32 32 32 More...

Parameters for options 1, 2, 3 or command ===> F3=Exit F10=View 3 F11=View 1 F12=Cancel


F24=More keys

View 4 Columns The "File" column that is displayed in the fourth view is identical to the first view. Refer to "View 1 Columns" on page 28 for a description of this column. ASP The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) that the spooled file resides on. Last Used Date The date that the spooled file data was last printed, displayed, copied, or sent. Or the date that the spooled file attributes were last changed. Spooled File Size (K) The size of the spooled file in kilobytes (K).

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How to Use MED/FM 33

Work with All Spooled Files Options Following are descriptions of the options that may be used from the Work with All Spooled Files Screen. To select an option, type the corresponding option number in the "Opt" field next to the desired file, and then press ENTER. 1 = Send Use this option to send the spooled file. When you choose this option, you cause the Send Network Spooled File (SNDNETSPLF) command to be processed. This option can be used to send a spooled file to another user on the system. 2 = Change Use this option to run the Change Spooled File Attributes (CHGSPLFA) command to change the attributes of the spooled file. Upon pressing ENTER or the F4 (Prompt) function key the spooled files current values will be displayed. Change any value as desired. Press F11 to see the keywords instead of the value descriptions. 3 = Hold Use this option to hold the spooled file. The spooled file will not print until it is manually released. 4 = Delete Use this option to delete the specified spooled file. When you choose this option and press ENTER, the Confirm Delete of Spooled Files Screen will be displayed. Press ENTER to delete the spooled file or press F12 to return to the previous screen. 5 = Display Use this option to display the data in the spooled file. This can be beneficial to assure that the spooled file contains the desired data before it is printed. 6 = Release Use this option to release a held spooled file so that it may be printed. 7 = Messages Use this option if the "Status" column for a spooled file displays "MSGW" to display messages related to the printing status of a spooled file. 8 = Attributes Use this option to display the attributes of the specified spooled file. 9 = Work with printing status Use this option to display the printing status of the specified spooled file. When you choose this option, you cause the Work with Printing Status (WRKPRTSTS) command to be run.

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34 How to Use MED/FM

Work with All Spooled Files Functions Following are descriptions of the function keys that may be used from the Work with All Spooled Files Screen in addition to the standard F3, F5, F12, and paging keys. These standard function keys may be found earlier in this chapter. F4 = Prompt This function provides assistance in typing additional parameter values for an option or in using a command. F9 = Retrieve This function shows the last command typed on the command line, along with any parameters included. Pressing F9 once, will display the last command run on the command line. Oressing F9 twice, displays the next to last command run on the command line, and so on. F10 = View 1, 2, 3, and 4 Depending on the current view that is displayed, press F10 in order to access another view. Every time F10 is pressed, the view that is prior to the current view will be displayed. F11 = View 1, 2, 3, and 4 Depending on the current view that is displayed, press F11 in order to access another view. Every time F11 is pressed, the next view will be displayed. F17 = Top Press F17 to go to the top of the list of files displayed. This is useful if there are many files listed on the screen (displayed on multiple screens). F18 = Bottom Press F18 to go to the bottom of the list of files displayed. This is useful if there are many files listed on the screen (displayed on multiple screens). F21 = Select Assistance Level This function sets the level of assistance used when interacting with the system. Possible choices (if available) are: 1 = Basic Assistance Level. This level shows the screens that provide the most assistance. Basic assistance level supports the more common user and operator tasks, and does not use computer terminology. 2 = Intermediate Assistance Level. This level shows the screens that support all system tasks and uses computer terminology. Complicated tasks can be done using this level. 3 = Advanced Interface. This level shows the screens that provide the same functions as the intermediate assistance level. However, the screens contain as much information as possible by not displaying the allowed function keys and options. F22 = Printers Press F22 to access the Work with All Printers Screen. F24 = More Keys Press F24 to display additional function keys available for this screen. MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

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How to Use MED/FM 35

F8 = List Auxiliary File Maintenance offers listings of the contents of each file, with options for specifying the sort order. To print a file listing, press the F8 function key. The appropriate Listing Prompt Screen will be displayed.

The Doctor File Listing Prompt Screen X70 08:00 AM

Doctor File

01/01/10 QPADEV0006

Type options, press Enter. Select one or more list options: List by doctor number within location?................... List by doctor name within location?..................... List by doctor specialty within location?................ List numerically by zip code?............................ Print long format (all fields)?.......................... Include notes?........................................... Include inactive codes?.................................. Select by Doctor Type?...................................



Spool File options: Hold the list(s) on the spool file?...................... N How many copies of each list are to print?............... 01 At what printer should the list(s) print?................ LASER F3=Exit



Each Listing Prompt Screen displays a "List Options" section and a "Spool File Options" section. The "List Options" section contains the different sequence options that may be used when printing the listing or report (i.e., by code, by name, etc.). To select a listing sequence, type a "Y" in the field to the right of the desired sequence. When printing File Listings, some files offer the option of including or excluding inactive records from the list. To include inactive records, type a "Y" in the "Include inactive codes?" field. To exclude the inactive records, type an "N" in this field. To print only the inactive records, type an "O" in this field. Use the "Spool File Options" section to set the printing parameters used by the report or listing, such as the printer to use, the number of copies to print, and whether to place the report on hold in the output queue. Consider each field and press ENTER to submit the listing request to the output queue to be printed.

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36 How to Use MED/FM

F8 = Print/Print Options This function key is used to print an Accounts Receivable Ledger or special form while working with a patient's account. The selected output prints immediately, as opposed to waiting for a batch process. The print options will vary based upon which screen the user is viewing as they press F8. The possible print options are: Accounts Receivable Ledger Letter On Demand Statement Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) Lien Encounter Form Patient Information Sheet First Report of Illness/Injury

Print Options Window 1 The following window is presented when F8 is pressed from the Account History Screen.

The Print Options Window 1 ID00835

Print Options

Print selection (1 through 7).. 1 1. Accounts Receivable Ledger 2. Letter 3. On Demand Statement 4. WCAB Lien 5. Encounter Form 6. Patient Information Sheet 7. First Report of Injury Printer name.......... LASER_____ F3=Exit



To select an option, type its number in the "Print Selection" field. Type the printer name on which the form is to be printed and press ENTER. The Printer Description file can be browsed by placing the cursor on the "Printer Name" field and pressing F6. If the "Accounts Receivable Ledger" option (option 1) is selected from the Print Options Window above, the Ledger Options Window will be displayed upon pressing ENTER.

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How to Use MED/FM 37 The Ledger Options Window ID00838

Ledger Options

Ledger selections From To Activity dates........ 000000 123109 Claim numbers......... 0000 9999 Print patient notes?.............. Y Print claim summary?.............. Y Print physician summary?.......... Y Print Ins. info for each claim?... Y F3=Exit


The Ledger Options window allows the user to select how much data prints on the ledger. The Activity dates fields relate to charge, payment, and adjustment posting dates. To include all activity, leave the default values displayed as the window is presented. Optionally, select a claim number range to limit the output to specific patient encounters. Select whether to include patient notes, the claim summary, the physician summary, and the insurance information for each claim by typing a "Y" in the appropriate fields. After considering each field, press ENTER. The Accounts Receivable Ledger will be sent to the selected printer.

If the "Letter" option (option 2) is selected from the Print Options Window, the Letter Options Window will be presented.

The Letter Options Window ID00833

Letter Options

Indicate the number of the letter you would like to send to this family. Letter number......... 00000




Type the desired letter number, from the MED/FM Letter File. Optionally, press the F6 (Browse) function key to search for and select a letter code. Press ENTER. MED/FM will check to see if the letter is configured as a Microsoft Word® style letter or a simple text letter. If it is a simple text letter, MED/FM will ask for the printer name on which the letter is to be printed. Type the printer name or press the F6 (Browse) function key to search for and select a valid printer. For both letter formats, MED/FM will merge patient data into the pre-defined letter and either send it to the selected printer or launch the document in a Microsoft Word® window.

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38 How to Use MED/FM If the "On Demand Statement" option (option 3) is selected from the Print Options Window, the Demand Statement Options Window will be presented.

The Demand Statement Options Window ID00839

Demand Statement Options

Statement selections From To Activity dates........ 000000 123109 Claim numbers......... 0000 9999 Print held claims?................ N Printer name............. LASERP2 F3=Exit



Use this window to select the range of posting dates and, optionally, claim numbers that are to be included on the On Demand Statement. To print all charge, payment, and adjustment data, leave the default values in these fields. To print a fully itemized statement for all services on the account, regardless of whether the patient's insurance company has responded, type a "Y" in the "Print held claims" field. To print a demand statement including only those claims that have been released to patient responsibility, type an "N" in this field. Verify the printer on which the demand statement is to print and press ENTER. The statement will be sent to the output queue, where it may be printed. A system message may be issued requesting that statement paper be loaded onto the selected printer.

If any of the other options (4 through 7) are selected from the first Print Options Window. The form will be sent to the printer immediately with no additional prompts. If the selected forms do not print immediately, check the system messages to see if the system has issued a message requesting a new form type be loaded onto the printer.

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Print Options Window 2 If F8 is pressed from the Insurance Carrier Assignment Screen, the following Print Options Window will be displayed, with fewer form types offered.

The Print Options Window 2 ID00830

Print Options

Print selection (1 to 3)....... 1 1. Accounts Receivable Ledger 2. Letter 3. On Demand Statement 4. First Report of Injury Printer name.......... LASER Ledger selections From To Activity dates..... 010140 123109 Claim numbers...... 000014 000014 Print patient notes?........... Y Print claim summary?........... Y Print physician summary?....... Y Print Ins. info for each claim? Y

This window includes the ledger selection fields as described earlier, used when the Accounts Receivable Ledger option is selected. As mentioned in the description of Print Options Window #1, if the Letter or On-Demand Statement options are selected, additional windows will be presented to further define the print options. If the First Report of Injury is selected, it will be sent to the selected printer immediately with no additional prompts.

F9 = Entry Mode/Update Mode All auxiliary file maintenance programs offer a way to add a new record (Entry Mode) to the file, and to change or update (Update Mode) existing records. These functions are accomplished by using the F9 function key, which acts as a toggle to switch back and forth between the two modes. The current mode is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. Refer to Chapter 6, File Maintenance, for instructions on adding and updating auxiliary file records.

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F9 = Submitted Jobs Press F9 from any MED/FM menu to access the list of jobs that were sent to the iSeries® job queue by the user signed onto the workstation. The Work with Submitted Jobs Screen will be displayed. This is an iSeries® screen and is not part of the MED/FM system.

The Work with Submitted Jobs Screen Work with Submitted Jobs 01/01/10 Submitted from . . . . . . . . : Type options, press Enter. 2=Change 3=Hold 4=End 8=Work with spooled files





5=Work with


CPU35 08:00:00



7=Display message


More... Parameters or command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel F17=Top

F5=Refresh F18=Bottom


F11=Display schedule data

The Work with Submitted Jobs Screen displays the job names and status information of jobs submitted at a workstation, submitted in a job, or submitted by a user. Use the options and function keys available on this screen to perform a variety of functions. The columns on the Work with Submitted Jobs Screen display the name of the job, the user who submitted the job, the type of job, status of the job, and the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread. The possible "Type" of the job may include on of the following types: BATCH - Batch BATCHI - Batch Immediate M36 - Advanced 36 server job MRT - Multiple requester terminal

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How to Use MED/FM 41 The "Status" is displayed in two different fields. The possible values of the first field in the "Status" column may include one of the following values: ACTIVE - The job has been started and is processing. OUTQ - The job has completed running and has spooled files in an output queue. DSC - The job is disconnected. JOBQ - The job is on a job queue, and has not yet started processing data. When its turn arrives, the status will change to "Active." TFRJOB - The job is on a job queue as the result of a Transfer Job (TFRJOB) command. TFRBCH - The job is on a job queue as the result of a Transfer Batch Job (TFRBCHJOB) command. SYSREQ - The job is suspended by system request. FIN - The job has finished. END - The job is ending as the result of the End Job (ENDJOB) or the End Subsystem (ENDSBS) command, either with the immediate option or with the controlled option that causes the job to end when the delay time expires. EOJ - The job is ending for any reason other than End Job (ENDJOB) or End Subsystem (ENDSBS) (for example, normal end of job or an exception that is not being handled). MSGW - The job has a message waiting and will not continue until someone responds to the message. SCD - The job is scheduled for a particular date and time. The second "Status" field indicates whether the job is being held (HELD) or not held (if the field is blank). If the system failed while the job was active, the status JOBLOG PENDING is shown in the two fields until the job log is written. The "Function" column contains the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread. This field is blank when a logged function has not been performed. The field is not cleared when a function is completed. The prefix of this field indicates what the characters that follow the hyphen represent: CMD - The command is run interactively, in a batch input stream, or requested from a system menu. Commands in CL programs or REXX procedures are not logged. DLY - The initial thread of the job is processing a DLYJOB (Delay Job) command. The time displayed is the number of seconds the job is delayed (up to 999999 seconds), or the time when the job is to resume processing (hh:mm:ss), depending on how the command was specified. GRP - The group name of a suspended group job is displayed. I/O - The job is a subsystem monitor that is performing input/output operations (I/O) to a workstation for the sign-on display file. The name displayed is the name of the workstation device. MNU - The name of the menu. MRT - This is a Multiple Requester Terminal (MRT) job if the type is MRT, or an interactive job attached to a MRT job if the type is INT. If it is an MRT job, the characters that follow the dash is a number, a slash (/), and another number. The first number indicates how many requesters are currently attached to the MRT job, and the second number indicates the maximum number (MRTMAX) of requesters. NEP indicates the MRT is a "Never Ending-Program" (the MRT stays active even if there are no requesters of the MRT). If it is an interactive job attached to a MRT, the MRT procedure name follows the dash. PGM - The program name is the high-level program called interactively, a program called in a batch input stream, the initial program specified in the user profile, or the name of a system request processor. If the high-level program transfers control, the program name remains in the function field even though it is no longer in the call stack. PRC - This is the name of the procedure. IDX - The value is the name of the file associated with an index (access path) rebuild operation. The previously logged value replaces this value when the index rebuild operation has finished. LOG - QHST - History information is being logged to a database file.

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42 How to Use MED/FM JOBIDXRCY - A damaged job index is being recovered. COMMIT - The initial thread of the job; is performing a commit operation. Ending the job or the system during a commit operation is not recommended. For details, see the section titled "Commitment Control during Abnormal System or Job End" in the Backup and Recovery Advanced book. ROLLBACK - The initial thread of the job; is performing a rollback operation. Ending the job or the system during a rollback operation is not recommended because another rollback occurs during the job end or system IPL. The subsequent rollback takes longer to perform than the current one. For details, see the section titled "Commitment Control during Abnormal System or Job End" in the Backup and Recovery - Advanced book. JOBLOG - A job log is being produced. DUMP - A dump is in process. ADLACTJOB - Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of active jobs specified in the QADLACTJ system value. This may indicate that the system value for the initial number of active jobs was set too low. More details are in the Work Management book. ADLTOTJOB - Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of jobs specified in the QADLTOTJ system value. More details are in the Work Management book. CMDENT - The command entry display is being used. PASSTHRU - The job is a pass-through job. More details are in the Remote Work Station Support book. RCLSPLSTG - Empty spooled database members are being deleted. DLTSPLF - A spooled file is being deleted. DIRSHD - This job is running under the directory shadowing function. SPLCLNUP - A cleanup of jobs on job queues and spooled files is being performed.

Work with Submitted Jobs Options Following are descriptions of the options available from the Work with Submitted Jobs Options Screen. To select an option, type the corresponding option number in the "Opt" field next to the desired job, and then press ENTER. 2 = Change Use this option to run the Change Job (CHGJOB) command. Upon pressing ENTER or F4, the parameters associated with the job are displayed. A job can be changed to have a higher priority in the job queue or to send its output to a print device other than its defined printer, among other things. 3 = Hold Use this option to place the job on hold. It will not process data until it is manually released. Jobs can be held so that other, higher priority jobs can process first. 4 = End Use this option to end a job. The job can be active or waiting its turn. When a job is ended, the system will present a confirmation screen. To end the job, press ENTER through the confirmation. Otherwise, press the F12 (Previous) function key.

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How to Use MED/FM 43 5 = Work With This option runs the Work with Job (WRKJOB) command, which displays the Work with Job Menu. The Work with Job Menu allows users to select options to work with. The possible options are: Job status attributes Job definition attributes Job run attributes Job spooled files Job log information Call stack information Job locks Library list information Open file information File override information Commitment control status Communications status information Activation groups Mutexes Threads Media library attributes In addition, the Work with Job Menu allows users to select options to change, end, hold, or release the job. 6 = Release Use this option to run the Release Job (RLSJOB) command, which releases the job if it is was put on hold. It will begin processing data when its turn arrives. 7 = Display Message Use this option if the status indicates a message is waiting ("MSGW"). This will display the system message that is preventing the job from completing. 8 = Work with Spooled Files This option runs the Work with Job (WRKJOB) command. Use it to access the spooled file generated by the job.

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Work with Submitted Jobs Functions Following are descriptions of the function keys found on the Work with Submitted Jobs Options Screen in addition to the standard F3, F5, F12, and paging keys, which are described elsewhere in this chapter. F4 = Prompt Pressing F4 (Prompt) provides assistance in entering additional parameter values for an option or in using a command. F9 = Retrieve This function shows the last command typed on the command line, along with any parameters included. Pressing F9 (Retrieve) once, will display the last command run on the command line. Pressing F9 (Retrieve) twice, displays the next to last command run on the command line, and so on. F11 = Display Schedule Data Pressing F11 (Display Schedule Data) shows the list again, but with the dates and times for scheduled jobs. F17 = Top Press F17 (Top) to position the screen to the top of the list. F18 = Bottom Press F18 (Bottom) to position the screen to the bottom of the list.

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F10 = Activate/Inactivate The F10 function key acts as a toggle key. It provides a means by which an auxiliary file record can be inactivated. Rather than deleting the record from the system, it simply becomes inaccessible for further use. An inactivated record will still show up on screens and reports that display previously entered information, but creating new transactions or demographics using the inactivated record will not be allowed. Inactivated records may be reactivated at any time by selecting them and pressing F10 (Activate) again.

F10 = JobQ Parameters This function is identical to the F7 (Ext JobQ Options) function described earlier. When it is offered the Optional Extended JobQ Parameters Window will be displayed. Refer to page 26 in this chapter for a description of the F7 (Ext JobQ Options) function and the Optional Extended JobQ Parameters Window.

F11 = Access Bulletins/Remove Bulletins This function provides access to the Bulletin Board to add or edit the text within it. The Bulleting Board was designed for broadcasting information to any user who signs onto MED/FM and accesses Patient Registration, Enter Transactions, Change Transactions, Account History, and Medical History. If F11 is pressed twice, the Bulletin Board is replaced with a banner containing the name and address of the medical practice.

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F11 = Messages Press F11 from any MED/FM menu to display message sent to the user or workstation by other users or system functions. The Display Messages Screen will be displayed. The messages displayed on this screen are iSeries® environment messages and are not part of the MED/FM system, although many MED/FM operations will generate a message. For instance, when a task, such as a report or ledger to be printed is sent to the output queue, a message will be generated on this screen. The iSeries® Display Messages Screen Display Messages Queue . . . . . : Library . . . : Severity . . . :


System: Program . . . . : Library . . . : Delivery . . . :


Type reply (if required), press Enter. Job 492603/RANDY/ARSELRP completed normally on 12/07/09 at 09:15:22. Job 492605/RANDY/X70FREPRTC completed normally on 12/07/09 at 09:15:33. Waiting for reply to message on message queue QSYSOPR. Job 492608/RANDY/X70DENCL ended abnormally. From . . . : RANDY 12/15/09 09:18:55 There will be a meeting of the A/R Follow-up department to discuss the plan for working with denied charges due to coding issues while Debra and Ivana are out at the ICD-10 seminar. The meeting is scheduled for this Friday at 1:00 pm. Time your lunches accordingly.

Bottom F3=Exit F13=Remove all

F11=Remove a message F16=Remove all except unanswered

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F12=Cancel F24=More keys

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F11 - Smart The SMART feature allows MED/FM users to schedule routine jobs to run automatically without operator intervention. Jobs can be run daily, weekly, or monthly. These jobs can include: The daily running of balancing reports, such as the Daily Posting Summary The daily gathering of electronic claim data (Note: The claim file cannot be transmitted via SMART) The monthly gathering of each cycle of statement output (Note: Each cycle must be submitted to run each month on a selected day) The SMART scheduler can be access from any report or the statement billing screen by pressing the new F11=SMART function key. It can be accessed from the electronic claims screen by using the new "S=SMART Scheduled File Creation" option. It can be accessed from the paper claims screen by using the new "S=SMART Job Scheduling" option.

The SMART Scheduled Job Parameters Screen SMART Scheduled Job Parameters Indicate Frequency, Time of Day, & Description of the job and press Enter: Y Daily

N Weekly

N Monthly

Time job will run....(hhmm AM/PM).. 0600 AM Desc.. Daily Posting Summary Report____________ Optional Entries Job name on system................. DAYPOST Job queue to use................... __________ __________ Recovery action.................... 1 F3=Exit


F13=Scheduled Jobs

The SMART Scheduled Job Parameters Input Fields Following are definitions of the input fields found on the SMART Scheduled Job Parameters Screen. Daily/Weekly/Monthly Select the frequency with which to run the job. Type a "Y" under one of the three options. Time job will run Type the time the job is to run. This will allow large jobs to run when system resources are most available. Indicate AM or PM. To schedule the job for 6:00 in the morning, type "0600 AM." Description MED/FM will place a default value into this field to identify the job.

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48 How to Use MED/FM Job name on system Type the name of the job as it should appear on the iSeries/400 job screens. When the job completes, a message will be sent to the submitting user stating that the job has completed. Job queue to use CPU recommends leaving these fields blank to use the default job queue. To override the job queue, type its name on the first line and its library on the second line. Recovery Action Select how the job is to be submitted. Valid options are: 1 – Job is submitted in a released state. Its output will be generated with no further user action. 2 – Job is submitted in a held state. The user must manually release it using the "Scheduled Jobs" function 3 – Job is not submitted CPU recommends using option "1." After completing all fields, press ENTER. Another window will be displayed based upon the frequency selected ("Daily," "Weekly," "Monthly").

Daily/Weekly Window If the "Daily" or "Weekly" frequency was selected, the following screen will be displayed.

The SMART Scheduled Job Parameters Daily/Weekly Window SMART Scheduled Job Parameters - Daily Time job will run....(hhmm Am/Pm).. 0600 AM Sunday........................ Monday........................ Tuesday....................... Wednesday..................... Thursday...................... Friday........................ Saturday......................


How will From Date be determined........... 1 F3=Exit


Select which days of the week the job is to be run by typing a "Y" in the corresponding fields.

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Monthly Window If the "Monthly" frequency option was selected, the following screen will be displayed.

The SMART Scheduled Job Parameters Monthly Window SMART Scheduled Job Parameters - Monthly Time job will run....(hhmm Am/Pm).. 0600 AM Day of month to schedule job....... 00 Schedule last day of every month... N How will the Dates be determined... 1



Indicate which day the job is to be run each month, or select to run it on the last day of the month Both Smart Scheduled Job Parameters windows ask the user to indicate how the "From" dates will be determined. For "Daily" and "Monthly" jobs, the options are: 1 - First day of fiscal month (last Monthend date plus one) 2 - First day of calendar month 3 - Current Date 4 - Beginning of fiscal year (last Yearend date plus one) 5 - Beginning of time For "Weekly" jobs, the options are: 1 - First day of fiscal month (last Monthend date plus one) 2 - First day of calendar month 3 - Current Week (the run date minus seven days) Press ENTER to submit the SMART job.

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Working with submitted SMART jobs A function key, F13=Scheduled Jobs, is presented on all menus and the SMART Job Scheduling screens to provide access to scheduled job entries. From any menu, press F13. The CPU Work with Scheduled Jobs Screen will be displayed. All scheduled jobs will be listed. Options for working with the jobs are displayed above them.

The CPU Work with Scheduled Jobs Screen CPU Work with Scheduled Jobs

Type options, Press Enter. 2=Change 3=Hold 4=Remove 8=Work with last submission


F3=Exit F12=Previous

01/01/10 08:00 AM

5=Display detail 9=Show data sets

-----Schedule-----Date Time USER DEFN 22:00:00 USER DEFN 05:10:00 *SAT 05:00:00 USER DEFN 06:00:00 09/07/10 08:00:00 09/14/10 08:00:00 09/21/10 08:00:00


F5=Refresh F18=Bottom F11=Display JobQueue F17=Top



Next Submit Date 01/01/10 01/01/10 01/01/10 01/01/10 01/07/10 01/14/10 01/21/10 More...

F19=Actual times

CPU Work with Scheduled Jobs Options Following are definitions of the input fields found on the User Configuration Edit Options Input Window. 2 = Change Type a "2" beside a job to change its frequency, days to run, or time to run. 3 = Hold Type a "3" beside a job to put it on hold. It will not run again until it is released with option "6." 4 = Remove Type a "4" beside a job to remove it from the scheduled jobs list. 5 = Display Type a "5" beside a job to display its details such as the user who submitted it, the frequency with which it will run, and the time it will run. 6 = Release Type a "6" beside a previously held job to release it so that it may be submitted on its scheduled date and time. MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

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How to Use MED/FM 51 8 = Work with last submission Type an "8" beside a job to view the status and output of its last submission. 9 = Show data sets Type a "9" beside a job to view the data sets that will be included when it is run or edit the data set list. The CPU Work With Scheduled Jobs Data Set Screen will be presented.

The CPU Work With Scheduled Jobs Data Set Screen CPU Work with Scheduled Jobs

01/01/10 08:00:00

Job: A70CLMSCDA/RANDY/476744 Desc: Schedule Claims Assignment Scheduled by: RANDY Type option, press Enter 4=Delete Opt Data Set A70 R70 V70 X70 Z70





F6=Add Data Set


Use this screen to either remove a data set from the list of data sets or to add new data sets to the SMART job.

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52 How to Use MED/FM Deleting a data set from a SMART job To delete a data set from the job, type a "4" beside the data set and press ENTER. The Scheduled Data Set Deletion Prompt Window will be displayed.

The Scheduled Data Set Deletion Prompt Window Scheduled Data Set Window Data set to remove....... A70 Are you sure you want to remove this? Y F3=Exit F12=Previous

Type a "Y" to delete the data set from the job and press enter. Otherwise, press the F12 (Previous) function key to exit the window and return to the list of selected data sets.

Adding a data set to a SMART job To add a new dataset to the SMART job, press the F6 (Add Data Set) function key. The Scheduled Data Set Window will be displayed.

The Scheduled Data Set Window Scheduled Data Set Window Data set to add.......... F3=Exit


Type the 3-letter data set acronym of the new data set to be added to the SMART job and press ENTER. The CPU Work With Scheduled Jobs Data Set Screen will be re-displayed with the new data set included.

F12 = Previous Press F12 to return to the previous screen or menu. Each time F12 is pressed, the next previous screen or menu will be displayed. Press it once to go back one screen, twice to go back two screens, and so on. If and fields are change on an input screen and F12 is pressed instead of ENTER, in most cases, the updated information is not retained. Exceptions to this rule apply when selections are keyed into a window, and then ENTER is pressed, and then F12 must be pressed to exit the window.

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F14 = Claim Notes Press the F14 (Claim Notes) function key from the Edit Claims Screen to display the Claim Notes Screen. The Claim Notes Screen displays claim information, in addition to notes about the claim.

The Claim Notes Screen X70 08:00 AM


Edit Claims

01/01/10 QPADEV0006

Pat/Claim: 123456789-01-0001 JOSEPH SAMPLE Current .00


Over 30 .00

Balance: 1st Chg: Over 60 .00

Over 90 .00

Carrier Last Billed 3 AETNA LIFE AND CASUALT 01/05/09 20 AFLAC 01/01/10

Date 1/04/09 1/05/09 2/16/09 2/16/09 3/15/09

70.07 01/03/09

Over 120 .00

Over 150 70.07

Paid 159.93.00 .00

Adjusted .00 .00 .00

Patient Notes for 0001 Claim Insurance coverage verified with Mr. Sample - Cards scanned 0001 CLAIM 0001 WAS BILLED TO AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY 619/555-1221 0001 Claim 0001 released to guarantor. 0001 Statement sent for the amount of $70.07 0001 Claim 1 added to collections while running statements. 0001

F3=Exit F12=Previous

F5=Refresh F6=Browse

F2=Change View F7=All Notes

F11=Disable Protect F1=Top

The top half of the Claim Notes Screen displays the patient's name, account and claim numbers, as well as the claim's balance, and the date of service of the first charge on the claim. Aged balances are displayed in 30-day increments, from "Current" to "Over 150" days past due. The screen also displays all insurance carriers (primary, secondary, etc.) associated with the claim and if they are flagged for a rebill (R), have unbilled charges (U), or both (B). The last billed date, the amount paid, and the amount adjusted are displayed at the right of each carrier. The bottom half of the screen displays all of the notes associated with the claim. The date, claim number, and note text are displayed. Press F2 (Change View) to display the time that the note was entered and the name of the user who entered the note. When adding a new note, ensure that the default view is displayed. Press PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN to view additional note entries. When paging through the claim notes, press F1 (Top) to go to the first note entered on the claim. Notes are listed from earliest to most recent. Press ENTER to go to the last note and present an input line.

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54 How to Use MED/FM To display all notes pertaining to a patient's account, press F7 (All Notes). The screen will display all patient notes, including claim notes. The screen will also display the account level aging balance due, the balance of the account, and the first date of service. The default primary, secondary, and tertiary carriers, if applicable, will be listed also. The claim number associated with each note is displayed to the right of each note. Claim 0000 indicates that the note is not attached to any specific claim. To re-display only those notes related to a claim, press F7 (Claim Notes) again. The Claims Management feature will automatically add a note when a deductible amount is added to the claim. The note will reference the claim number, insurance company number, and the deductible amount. A note will also be generated when an insurance carrier has been activated or deactivated, when an insurance carrier is billed, when a tracer letter is generated, and when an on-demand statement, HCFA claim form, or on-demand letter is printed. The note may be seen on both the Claim Notes Screen and the Patient Notes Window.

Claim Notes Functions Following are descriptions of the function keys that may be used from the Claim Notes Screen in addition to the standard F3, F5, F12, and paging keys, which are described in this chapter. F1 = Top Press F1 to return to the beginning of the claim notes. F2 = Change View This function toggles the Claim Notes Screen between showing and hiding the date and time that the notes were entered and the ID of the user(s) who entered the notes. F6 = Browse This function is used to view or change the record of the insurance company that pertains to a note. In order to view the record, place the cursor over the insurance company's number or name, and then press F6. The Insurance Company Record Screen will be displayed in Update Mode. Make any necessary changes to the insurance company record, and then press ENTER or F12 to return to the Claim Notes Screen. Refer to Chapter 6, File Maintenance, for a description of the Insurance Company Record Screen. F7 = All Notes/Claim Notes This function is used to toggle the Claim Notes Screen between showing all of the notes pertaining to this account and showing only those notes that pertain to the selected claim. F11 = Disable Protect/Enable Protect Press F11 (Disable Protect) to disable the protection feature and change or delete old claim notes. The protection feature prevents users from accidentally deleting claim notes. Note: When a user changes the text, their user ID will replace the ID of the user who originally wrote the note. Press F11 (Enable Protect) to reactivate the protection feature. The Security file can limit the user from being able to use this function.

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F14 = Notes and Patient Notes Use the Notes function to display a window for typing and reviewing notes on an account. Any MED/FM user may type or review patient notes. MED/FM will automatically create patient notes whenever insurance claims, statements and other system activities are processed. To display and type patient notes, press F14 on most patient account screens. The Patient Notes Window will be displayed.

The Patient Notes Window Patient#: 123456789-01 JOSEPH SAMPLE Home: (619) 555-1212 Guarantor: SAMPLE, JOSEPH Work: (800) 597-0875 Fin Class: COMMERCIAL INSURANCE Page: 0001 Date Patient Notes 01/05/09 Company AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY added. Company AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY coverage promoted. Company AFLAC added. 01/04/09 Insurance coverage verified with Mr. Sample - Cards scanned 01/05/09 CLAIM 0001 WAS BILLED TO AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY 619/555-1221 02/16/09 CLAIM 0002 WAS BILLED TO AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY 619/555-1221 Claim 0001 released to guarantor. Statement sent for the amount of $70.07 F1=Top F2=Chg View F4=Apply Filters F11=Disable Protect F12=Previous F3=Exit F8=Tickler F9=Privacy Notes

Type the note on the "Patient Notes" text lines. When the end of a line is reached, the text will automatically wrap around to the next line. If more lines are needed, press ENTER. Press ENTER after typing the note. MED/FM will automatically attach the user name and the current system date and time to the note. Press F12 to return to the patient record. The note window will be populated with three types of notes: 1

Computer Generated Notes – These notes are automatically created as demographic or insurance changes are made that could alter insurance, statement or reporting output for the account. These notes also include memos created as the account is included in any billing procedure.


Manual Notes – These notes are the free-form comments keyed by users to document actions taken on an account.


Privacy Notes – These notes indicate requests made by the patient with regards to the release of information about their account activity. To input a Privacy Note, press F9. Type the special handling instructions as dictated by the patient and press ENTER. An indicator will appear on the patient registration and account history screens if Privacy Notes exist. The F9 function key acts as a toggle between Privacy Notes and Normal Notes.

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56 How to Use MED/FM

Notes Functions Use the following functions to perform additional activities in the Patient Notes Window. The functions described below are in addition to the standard F3, F12, and paging keys that are described in this chapter. F1 = Top (Notes) Press F1 to return to the beginning of the patient's notes. F2 = Chg View (Notes) Press F2 to display another view of the Patient Notes Window. Use this function to see who input the notes.

The Patient Notes Window – Alternate View Patient#: 123456789-01 JOSEPH SAMPLE Home: (619) 555-1212 Guarantor: SAMPLE, JOSEPH Work: (800) 597-0875 Fin Class: COMMERCIAL INSURANCE Page: 0001 Date Time Operator Patient Notes 01/05/09 05:26 PM RANDY Company AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY added. 05:26 PM RANDY Company AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY coverage prom 05:26 PM RANDY Company AFLAC added. 01/04/09 05:26 PM RANDY Insurance coverage verified with Mr. Sample 01/05/09 05:31 PM SYSTEM CLAIM 0001 WAS BILLED TO AETNA LIFE AND CASU 02/16/09 05:35 PM SYSTEM CLAIM 0002 WAS BILLED TO AETNA LIFE AND CASU 05:37 PM RANDY Claim 0001 released to guarantor. 05:42 PM SYSTEM Statement sent for the amount of $70.07 F1=Top

F2=Chg View



The alternate view shows the date, time, and the names of users who have added notes for the patient, along with a partial display of the note's text. System-generated notes may also be identified in this view. F4 = Apply Filters (Notes) Press F4 (Apply Filters) to view only selected types of notes. The Notes Filters Window will be displayed.

The Notes Filter Window Notes Filter Type Option, Press Enter. 1. Privacy Notes 2. Computer Generated Notes 3. Manually Keyed Notes 4. All Notes Option: 0 F3=Exit


Select the type of notes to be displayed by typing its option number in the "Option" field, and then press enter. The Notes Window will be redisplayed, limited to only those notes that match the selected type. To view all notes again, press the F4 (Filters Off) function key.

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Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 57 F9 = Privacy Notes (Notes) Press F9 to activate "Privacy Note Mode." These notes indicate requests made by the patient with regards to the release of information about their account activity. Pressing F9 allows a user to review existing Privacy Notes or add new Privacy Notes. If Privacy Notes exist on an account, "Privacy" will be displayed in the upper right corner of their Account History Screen. F11 = Disable Protect/Enable Protect (Notes) When a note is entered into a patient's account, it is protected so users cannot accidentally erase or type over important auditing information. The F11 (Disable Protect) function key disables the protection feature, allowing users to modify note text. Pressing F11 again will return the protection feature. Note: If a user changes text on a note, their user ID will replace the previous users ID. Note: This ability to use this function key is set per user in the Security file. F8 = Tickler (Notes) Ticklers are reminders set up by users to remind them to review an account at a later date. Use this after working with an account to set up a reminder to review the account later to see if the action resulted in a payment being made. Press F8 to create a tickler notice. The Tickler Window will be displayed.

The Tickler Window ID02455

Tickler System

Tickle Date... 000000 Tickle Time... 0000 AM Assign To..... RANDY

(Key User ID or *ALL)

Tickle Letter: 00000





Type the date and time (in hhmm format) when the account should be reviewed. When the tickler date and time arrive, "*Tickle*" will be displayed in the upper right corner of the Bulletin Board Screen, and the following message will be displayed on the bottom of the screen: "You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them." The tickle reminders will continue until the tickler record has been deleted or extended. To review the tickler notification, press F8 from the Bulletin Board Screen. The MED/FM Tickler Review Screen will be displayed.

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58 How to Use MED/FM The MED/FM Tickler Review Screen X70 08:00 AM

MED/FM Tickler Review


Type options, press Enter. 1=Select 2=Update 3=Print Letter Sel

Date Time 01/01/09 1:00PM 01/01/09 1:15PM 01/01/09 2:00PM 01/02/09 8:00AM 01/03/09 8:00AM 01/10/09 8:00AM 03/13/09 8:22PM 04/05/09 1:10PM 07/20/09 12:05PM

Letr# 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000



Account# 01800018-01 00000012-01 00000023-01 00000013-01 00000025-01 123456789-01 00000023-01 00001018-01 00000018-01


Bottom Search Date/Time: 000000 0000 F3=Exit



F4=Filter Off

F21=Print Letters

The Tickler Review Screen will initially display all tickler notices for the user signed onto the workstation. To view notices for all users, press the F4 (Filter Off) function key. To turn the filter back on, press F4 again. The ticklers are listed in order by the date and time they were scheduled to tickle, beginning with the earliest date. All tickler notices scheduled from the present date through the future will be displayed, as well as any ticklers that were scheduled to tickle in the past and have not yet been resolved. To see ticklers for a specific date, type the date or time in the "Search Date/Time" field. Type either "AM" or "PM" when searching by time. The list will be revised to include all ticklers scheduled from the date and time entered and beyond. To see the oldest tickler notice, press the F1 (Top) function key. Press the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys to scroll through the ticklers.

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How to Use MED/FM 59

Tickler Options Following are descriptions of the options found on the MED/FM Tickler Review Screen. To select an option, type the corresponding option number in the "Sel" field next to the desired tickler, and then press ENTER. 1 = Select (Tickler) Select this option to review the reason for the tickler. The Patient Notes Window will be displayed. Read the notes to determine what action should be taken next. If the patient needs to be called, their phone numbers are displayed in the top portion of the note window. 2 = Update (Tickler) Select this option to reset the tickler to a new date and time. This is beneficial when monitoring a payment plan or if the current matter could not be resolved. The Tickler System Window will be displayed as described on the previous page. 3 = Print letter (Tickler) Select this option to print an on-demand letter. The Letter Options window will be displayed allowing the user to select the letter number and printer to receive the letter. Both fields can be browsed with the F6 function key. Upon pressing ENTER, the letter will be sent to the printer. 4 = Delete (Tickler) Select this option to delete a tickler notice if the matter has been resolved. The tickler notice will be deleted immediately, with no confirmation warning. 5 = History (Tickler) Select this option to view the patient's Account History Screen. Use this to review the account to see if additional actions are required. Refer to Chapter 4-1, Account History, for a description of the Account History module.

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F19 = User Defined Fields This function is available from the Bulletin Board Screen to search for patients based upon values stored in the family and patient level user defined fields. This can be beneficial when searching for patients who are part of a medical study, or have been identified with special values. Press F19 to display the User Defined Fields Search Window.

The User Defined Fields Search Window User Defined Fields Search Type options, press Enter. 1=Select Opt




Type a "1" beside the desired search option and press ENTER. The User Defined Search Patient Selection Screen will be displayed listing all patients who have a value in the selected search field. The User Defined Field Search Patient Selection Screen X70 08:00 AM

User Defined Field Search REGION OF SAN DIEGO

01/01/10 QPADEV0006

Type options, press Enter. 1=Select Position to REGION OF SAN DIEGO.............. Sel


Account 7 25 1022 24 14 17 2 9 10 22 1010 123456789




The User Defined Field Search Patient Selection Screen lists all patients who have a value in the selected search field. The list is sorted by the values found in the selected user defined field and then by account number. A positioning field is displayed directly above the patient names. The text relates to the selected user defined field. To position the list to a particular patient, type the desired value (search argument) in the "Position to …" field and press enter. The list will be repositioned to the first account that matches the search argument. MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

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How to Use MED/FM 61

F20 = Set Cursor This function allows a user to specify which input field the cursor will be positioned in as any MED/FM menu is displayed. The MED/FM standard is to place the cursor in the "Option" field. However, if a user prefers to use shortcuts to navigate around MED/FM, they can configure their session to always have the cursor placed in the "Shortcut" field as they access menus. To set the cursor position, place the cursor in the desired input field and press F20.

F21 = Command Line Experienced iSeries® users are typically used to keying commands to access system functions. While many commands will fit in the "Shortcut" field on any MED/FM menu, some commands or command strings are too long. For example, to respond to a system operator message, the command is "DSPMSG QSYSOPR," which will not fit in the "Shortcut" field. When more than ten characters are required for a system command, press F21 from any MED/FM menu. The Command Line Window will be displayed at the bottom of the menu.

The Command Line Window .............................................................................. : Command : : : : ===> : : F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel : : : :............................................................................:

F23 = Replay Use this function to return to the last accessed account. This function is available when working with an account in Patient Registration, Enter Transactions, Change Transactions, or Account History. From the Bulletin Board Screen or the Patient Selection Screen, press F23. MED/FM will bring up the last account accessed during the current session. If F3 had bee pressed to exit the module, then the last account number is no longer available.

Page Up/Page Down The PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys are used to scroll backward or forward through additional "pages" of records or data.

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Using Options Options are similar to functions in that they perform specific tasks when selected. However, options are associated with single-record actions, such as selecting a patient or using a feature for one line item. Select an option by entering the corresponding option number in the field next to the patient, claim, etc., and then press ENTER.

1 = Select "Select" is the most frequently offered option. Use the "Select" option to choose a single record from a list of records. For instance, File Maintenance always displays a selection screen of the records within the file. Type a "1" in the field next to the desired record, and then press ENTER.

The Charges/Procedures File Selection Screen X70 08:00 AM Update Mode Loc-Charge 01-0075625 01-0074010 01-0074020 01-0074000 01-0076700 01-0076705 01-0075630 01-0076080 01-0073050 01-0080400 01-0080402 01-0080406 01-0074022 01-0078457


01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Ins Code # 1 75625 74010 74020 74000 76700 76705 75630 76080 73050 80400 80402 80406 74022 78457

Fee #1 200.00 40.00 45.00 30.00 140.00 105.00 320.00 95.00 35.00

55.00 135.00


Enter the location/charge code you wish to update.. 01 0000000 or Position to description............................ F3=Exit F8=List

F21=Configure F2=Select View

F9=ENTRY mode 1=Select Multiple


On some screens, more than one item may be selected at a time ("Select Multiple"). Type a "1" in the field next to the desired records, and then press ENTER. Each record screen will be displayed in consecutive order until all of the selected records have been displayed. Note: Some screens do not display the "Select" option on the screen, but it may still be used if there is a blank field next to the list of patients, claims, etc. For example, the Patient Selection Screen does not display the "Select" option, but it is still available.

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How to Use MED/FM 63

Working With the Bulletin Board and Selection Screens Patient Registration, Enter Transactions, Change Transactions, Account History (Main Menu options 1, 2, 3, and 4), and Medical History (option 1 from the Medical History Menu, accessed from option 17 from the Main Menu) are always presented with a Bulletin Board Screen first, and then the Patient Selection Screens are displayed upon pressing ENTER. The bulletin board is used to post announcements or memos for reading by all personnel who use the MED/FM system. Although the bulletin board is initially set up to be used as a system-wide tool (throughout all datasets), it can be dataset-specific. Call CPU to change the default bulletin board configuration. A selection screen is a listing of patient or family (guarantor) names, sorted by different view sequences, to help a user locate and access family and patient records. Auxiliary files have selection screens that contain all of the records that are in each file. The default selection screen lists patients alphabetically by last name. This is the list that will display automatically with the previously mentioned menu options. There are several other list sequence selections available, described later in this chapter. The selection screens are used in the following way: Option 1 - Patient Registration Use the selection screens to enter new family and patient records, or to locate and change existing records. Option 2 - Enter Transactions Use the selection screens to locate and select existing patients to apply charges, payments, adjustments, and memos to the patient records. Option 3 - Change Transactions Use the selection screens to locate and select patients to modify posted charges, payments, adjustments, and memos. This option may also be used to review and correct payment and adjustment allocations against charges and to review the history of changes to transactions. Option 4 - Account History Use the selection screens to locate and display the history of family and patient demographic, billing, and tracking information, including patient insurance and transaction activity. Option 17 – Medical History Use the selection screens to locate and select patients to view, add, and change medical chart and encounter history for the patients.

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64 How to Use MED/FM

The Bulletin Board Screen The Bulletin Board Screen initially appears when an option is taken from the Main Menu (Patient Registration, Enter Transactions, Change Transactions, Account History, and Patient Chart Maintenance (from the Medical History Menu)). Once an account has been accessed, the program will return to the selection screen with the member last accessed at the top of the screen. This feature is consistent regardless of the view (name, policy number, social security number, etc.) that is active when the account is accessed. The bulletin board can be a great way of communicating office-wide announcements, messages, or greetings, since it is the screen that always appears first. The elements that make up the Bulletin Board Screen are illustrated below.

The Bulletin Board Screen Option Title

X70 08:00 AM ID02980

Account History

Enter Patient Number to access patient..: or Enter Patient Name to start search......: or Enter Patient Name to sound like........:

Search Fields


01/01/10 QPADEV0006 *Tickle* 000000000 01



Bulletin Board




F3=Exit F7=E-Mail


F2=Select view F23=Replay

F11=Access bulletins F19=Usr Defined Flds

The Bulletin Board Screen contains an ID line at the top of the screen. Refer to the "Using Menus" section on page 7 in this chapter for a description of the ID line. If a ticker has been set up for the user, "*Tickle*" will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen to notify the user that an action related to the tickler needs to be made. Ticklers are discussed in the "Tickler" section on page 57 in this chapter. If the user has received an Email, "New Mail" will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen and "MAIL EXISTS" will be displayed in the bottom highlighted border of the bulletin board to notify the user that a new Email has been sent to the user. Refer to page 21 in this chapter for a description of Emails.

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How to Use MED/FM 65

The Elements of the Bulletin Board Screen Following are descriptions of the elements that are included on the Bulletin Board Screen.

Option Title The title of the option selected from the menu is displayed here.

Search Fields These fields are used to search for a patient or to directly access a patient's record. There will always be at least two search fields to use with each view sequence. The first search field ("to access patient") provides direct access to a patient or family when their account number, policy number, or ID code is available. Type the patient's number or code and press ENTER, the patient's applicable record screen will be displayed. The second field ("start search") is useful for a more general search. When only a partial name, policy number, medical record number, or other identification (depending on the view sequence being used) is available, key it into the appropriate view sequence search field and press ENTER to display a listing of patients having a name or numbers matching or sequentially near the value keyed. Then select the patient from the list. There is also a "sound like" search field that is used for looking up patient or guarantor names. This field searches for patients using a phonetic spelling. Accounts with names sounding most like the search word keyed (regardless of spelling) will appear on the screen. This can be helpful when trying to find names that are difficult to spell.

Bulletin Board The bulletin board is a large box with highlighted borders that contains a greeting message. It may be used to inform all users of an upcoming event, announcements, or messages. Press the F11 (Access Bulletins) function key, to place the cursor in the keying area of the bulletin board. Edit the existing messages or add new ones.

Functions Certain function keys on the Bulletin Board Screen provide the ability to exit the program, access the bulletin board, access the tickler system, view and work with electronic mail, or select another view sequence of patient information. The available functions are displayed on the bottom of the Bulletin Board Screen. Refer to the "Using Function Keys" section on page 14 in this chapter for an explanation of the functions found on the Bulletin Board Screen.

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66 How to Use MED/FM

Using the Bulletin Board All of the selection screens initially display the Bulletin Board Screen. Use the bulletin board to display announcements, messages about meetings, and notification of upcoming events.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting a Message To add, edit, or delete a message, press the F11 (Access Bulletins) function key to place the cursor in the bulletin board. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired position and begin typing text. Press FIELD EXIT to start typing on a new line or to remove the text from a line, and then press ENTER to save the message and exit the bulletin board.

Displaying the Medical Group or Business Address If desired, the bulletin board can be removed and the name and address of the medical group or business can be displayed. Press the F11 (Remove Bulletins) function key. If this function key is not displayed, press the F11 (Access Bulletins) function key first. The name and address of the medical group or business whose patient data is being accessed will be displayed where the bulletin board was. The information in this window comes from the Control File Questionnaire.

The Medical Group/Business Address Display Screen X70 08:00 AM ID02980

Account History

Enter Patient Number to access patient..: or Enter Patient Name to start search......: or Enter Patient Name to sound like........:

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 *Tickle* 000000000 01

This system was designed and prepared for: CPU MEDICAL GROUP 9235 ACTIVITY ROAD SUITE 104 SAN DIEGO, CA 92116-4440 800 597-0875 COPYRIGHT 1986-2010 CPU Medical Management Systems

F3=Exit F2=Select view F11=Access bulletins F7=E-Mail F23=Replay F19=Usr Defined Flds You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them... +

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 67

The Selection Screen All selection screens have the same basic characteristics. They are designed to make a very simple and quick operation out of trying to find patient accounts. Illustrated below are the common elements of every selection screen. The outer perimeter of selection screens contain the same features as the Bulletin Board Screen, including the ID line at the top of the screen and the function keys at the bottom of the screen. For explanations of these features, refer to the "Using Menus" section on page 5 and "The Bulletin Board Screen" section on page 63.

The Selection Screen


Column Headings

Sequence Listing

Function Keys

X70 08:00 AM Update Mode *Tickle* or or Sel


01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Patient View Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 Enter Patient Name to start search..... Enter Patient Name to sound like.......

Account# 22-01 1016-01 12749784-01 12-01 28-01 23-01 17-01 20-01 5-01 1001-01 10-01 32-01 13-01


Patient Registration


D.O.B. Sex Loc 10/27/20 F 01 08/15/65 F 01 07/22/12 F 02 10/12/64 F 01 12/12/50 M 01 02/12/50 M 01 03/14/60 M 01 12/05/50 M 01 02/12/60 M 01 07/15/59 F 03 04/24/62 M 01 12/21/55 M 01 03/10/56 M 01

Balance 1,554.00 285.00 .00 2,515.00 .00 424.01 161.00 2,721.00 476.00 34.92 1,965.00 283.00 3,851.00 More... F3=Exit F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal F7=DOS Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

View Sequence Search Fields

F/C 020 010 020 070 010 010 010 070 001 010 040 040 040


The Elements of the Selection Screen Following are descriptions of the elements included on the Selection Screen.

View Sequence In the upper right corner of the screen, the current view sequence will be displayed; in this case it is the "Patient View." The view sequence indicates the search order in which the patient information is listed. View Sequences will be explained in detail later in this chapter.

Mode In the upper left corner of the screen, the current mode will be displayed; in this case it is "Update Mode." The mode indicates whether MED/FM is in Update Mode or Entry Mode. Press F9 to toggle between the two modes. Update Mode is used to update existing records and Entry Mode is used to add a new record.

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68 How to Use MED/FM

Search Fields These are the same search fields that appear with the Bulletin Board Screen. There is a field for keying a specific patient identification code if known, and there is a field for keying more general search criteria. The patient search fields and alphabetical listing always appear as the default view sequence. Press the F2 (Select View) function key to select a different sorting and searching sequence.

Column Headings The headings displayed describe the information listed on the search screen. Generally, the first field in the list is the selection ("Sel") or option ("Opt") field, which is used for selecting a record or performing an action on a record such as editing, printing, viewing, etc. Information that is shown includes the patient name, account or ID number, and demographic details (such as address, date of birth, and financial class).

Sequenced Listing This is the list of patient information displayed in the order specified with the F2 (Select View) function. The sequence listing will usually be displayed in either alphabetical order or in numeric order, depending on the view being used.

Continuation The Selection Screen will normally be displaying a file that contains more records than can be shown on one screen. If additional records exist, "More..." will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys to scroll backward or forward, one page at a time. When the end of the file is reached, "Bottom" will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. From the selection screens any of the following functions may be performed: Type an account or ID number to access a family or patient record. Type a name or partial ID to display a list of the patients having names or ID's similar to the one keyed. Select an account or record from the displayed list, or press the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys until the desired account is found. Select another view. The patient last name view is the default view. Other views include: a family view, social security number view, insurance policy number view, medical record number view, date of birth view, contract ID view, phone number view, patient first name view, a family address view, and a patient within family view. Account History also has an attorney view. Add new family and patient records (in Patient Registration and Enter Transactions). Access the bulletin board and add or remove informational messages. Access the electronic mailbox to display, respond, delete, and send messages to other users. View and process tickler notices. Most of these functions can be performed from the Bulletin Board Screen as well.

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How to Use MED/FM 69

Selecting an Individual Record Once the Bulletin Board Screen appears, the next step is to access the information for an individual patient. No matter which view sequence has been selected, the methods of accessing an account are the same. These two ways are explained below.

The Bulletin Board Screen X70 08:00 AM ID02980

Account History

Enter Patient Number to access patient..: or Enter Patient Name to start search......: or Enter Patient Name to sound like........: B U L L E T I N

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 *Tickle* 000000000 01



M A I L F3=Exit F7=E-Mail


F2=Select view F23=Replay

F11=Access bulletins F19=Usr Defined Flds

Making a selection when the patient account number is known 1

Type the family account number and the patient suffix in the "Patient Number" field, pressing FIELD EXIT after each entry.


Press ENTER. The patient information will be displayed.

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70 How to Use MED/FM

Making a selection when only the patient name is known 1

Move the cursor to the "Patient Name" search field.


Type the full or partial last name of the patient. For instance, type "FOL" as a partial entry for the name "Folsom."


Press ENTER to start the search. The first patient with a last name that starts with "Fol" will appear at the top of the listing.

The Patient Selection Screen - Patient Last Name View X70 08:00 AM Update Mode *Tickle* or or Sel


01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Patient View Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 Enter Patient Name to start search..... Enter Patient Name to sound like.......

Account# 22-01 1016-01 12749784-01 12-01 28-01 23-01 17-01 20-01 5-01 1001-01 10-01 32-01 13-01


Patient Registration


D.O.B. Sex Loc 10/27/20 F 01 08/15/65 F 01 07/22/12 F 02 10/12/64 F 01 12/12/50 M 01 02/12/50 M 01 03/14/60 M 01 12/05/50 M 01 02/12/60 M 01 07/15/59 F 03 04/24/62 M 01 12/21/55 M 01 03/10/56 M 01

F/C 020 010 020 070 010 010 010 070 001 010 040 040 040

Balance 1,554.00 285.00 .00 2,515.00 .00 424.01 161.00 2,721.00 476.00 34.92 1,965.00 283.00 3,851.00 More... F3=Exit F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F14=Change Account# F9=Add patient F7=DOS Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...


If there are many records starting with the name keyed, such as Ford in the above example, make a more specific search. Type the full last name, first name, and middle initial of the patient. For instance, type Ford, Tina, and then press ENTER to start the search.


If the patient record exists, the patient name will appear at or near the top of the Patient Selection Screen. If the patient does not exist or if the name is spelled wrong, the patient with the next closest name appears at the top of the screen.


Press TAB, NEW LINE or FIELD EXIT to move the cursor down the selection ("Sel") fields to the desired patient name. The cursor will travel down the left column of the screen.


Type a "1" in the "Sel" field next to the desired patient and press ENTER. The applicable information will be displayed on a new screen. - or Place the cursor anywhere on the line containing the patient data and press ENTER. This function is called "Cursor Select."

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How to Use MED/FM 71

Changing the Selection Screen The selection screen can be changed to present the accounts in a different sort, search and access sequence by pressing the F2 (Select View) function key. Press the F2 (Select View) function key to display the Sequence Options Window. The Sequence Options Window displays options for different Selection Screen views.

The Sequence Options Window

Type 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. E. F.

Sequence Options options, press Enter. 0 Family Name Patient Last Name Social Security Number Policy Number Medical Record Number Patient Date of Birth Contract ID Code Attorney Name Phone Number Patient First Name Family Address Patient within Family Balance Due Balance Due within Fin.Class Family Name within Fin.Class



Following is the list of available view sequences, along with the search fields available from that particular view. Each view sequence also contains a field used to directly access the patient's record. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. E. F.

Family Name. The search fields include the family's name and a phonetic "sound like" field. Patient Last Name. The search fields include the patient's last name and a phonetic "sound like" field. Social Security Number. The search field is the patient's full or partial social security number. Insurance Policy Number. The search field is the patient's policy full or partial policy number. Medical Record Number. The search field is the patient's full or partial medical record number. Patient Date of Birth. The search fields are the patient's birth month, day, and four-digit year. Contract ID code. The search field is the patient's full or partial contract ID code. Attorney Name. The search field is the attorney's full or partial name. Phone Number. The search field is the account's area code and telephone number. Patient First Name. The search fields are the patient's full or partial first name and date of birth. Family Address. The search field is the family's full or partial address. Patient within Family. The search field is the family account number. Balance Due. The search field is the account balance in descending order. Balance due within Fin Class. The search field is the account level financial class. Family Name within Fin Class. The search field is the account level financial class.

Type the desired option number (or letter) in the "Type options, press Enter" field, and then press ENTER to display a different view of the Selection Screen. The search fields for the selection will be displayed. If the code or account number is known, key it in the "access" field. If the code is not known, use the "search" field to display a listing that will help find the patient.

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72 How to Use MED/FM

Selection Screen View Sequences Following are descriptions of the different view sequence options available in the Sequence Options Window. To select a view sequence option, type the corresponding number (or letter) in the "Type options, press Enter" field and press ENTER.

1. Family Name The family record contains address and employer information for the head of household, guarantor, or responsible party. The Family View is useful when the guarantor or head of household has a different name than the patient.

The Patient Selection Screen – Family Name View X70 08:00 AM ID02430

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Family View *Tickle* Enter Family Number to access family... 000000000 or Enter Family Name to start search...... or Enter Family Name to sound like........


Account# 22 1016 12749784 12 28 23 17 20 5 1001 32 10 13

Account History



F/C 020 010 020 070 010 010 010 070 001 010 040 040 040

More... F3=Exit F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F4=Alt view F17=Exclude 0 Bal Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The information listed with the Family View includes the family account number, guarantor name and address, and financial class. Press the F4 (Alt View) function key to display the family name, account balance, delinquency code, and the last charge and payment dates. Type the family's account number in order to access the account, or search for the family by using the family name or a phonetic "sound like" name.

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How to Use MED/FM 73

2. Patient Last Name The Patient Last Name View is the default selection sequence when searching for patients. Search for patients by last name or by account number. Refer to page 61 in this chapter for an example of the Patient Last Name View. This view displays the patient's account number, last and first names, date of birth (or date of service), gender, location of service, financial class, and account balance.

3. Social Security Number Use this view to access patients based upon their social security number.

The Patient Selection Screen – Social Security Number View X70 08:00 AM ID02437

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Social Security# View *Tickle* Enter Social Security# for patient..... 000000000 or Enter Social Security# to start search: 000000000


Soc. Sec.# 004-12-8755 024-98-4462 054-67-0745 101-32-8509 111-22-1111 111-22-3333 111-22-3333 111-22-3333 111-22-3333 111-22-3333 111-22-3333 111-22-3333 115-08-7099


Account# 1004-01 22-01 1017-01 4-01 100000000-01 18018-01 100000-01 1800018-01 18000018-01 100000001-01 123456789-01 180000018-01 1003-01

Account History


F2=Select view F17=Exclude 0 Bal



Birth 07/12/55 10/27/20 08/16/93 08/25/20 03/01/80 03/01/62 03/01/80 01/01/70 01/01/35 03/31/62 03/31/62 03/31/62 04/10/50

D.O.S 03/18/09 02/28/09 04/19/09 01/05/09

Loc 01 01 01 01 01 01 02/01/09 01 01 01 01/02/09 01 03/01/09 01 01 03/15/09 01 More...

F12=Previous Cursor Select +

If the entire social security number is not known, type the first few digits of the number in the "start search" field and press ENTER. For instance, if the first three digits of the number are available, such as 572, type 572, and then press ENTER to start the search. Caution! Do not use FIELD EXIT during the partial social security number search. FIELD EXIT right justifies the social security number and the search will be wrong. For instance, FIELD EXIT turns 572000000 into 000000572. The information listed with the Social Security Number View includes the patient's social security number, account number, first and last names, birth date, date of service, and location.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

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74 How to Use MED/FM

4. Policy Number Use the Policy Number View to access patients based upon their primary, secondary, or tertiary insurance policy number. Any of these policy numbers are used to search for a patient record. When the search is finished, the screen will display those patient records, in insurance policy number order, closest to the policy number keyed.

The Patient Selection Screen – Policy Number View X70 08:00 AM ID02435 *Tickle*

Account History

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Policy Number View

Enter Policy Number to access patient.. or Enter Policy Number to start search....

Sel Policy Number Account# Patient Name A453289480 17-01 BUNDY, TODD CA246339112852 11-01 PELT, VAN CPU12345678901 123456789-01 SAMPLE, JOSEPH 004128755 1004-01 SUMMER, DONNA 024984462 22-01 ADAMS, BONNIE 024984462A 22-01 ADAMS, BONNIE 036743B12 18-01 JONES, TOM 100200300400 18018-01 SAMPLE, JOSEPH 101328509A 4-01 MC CABE, THOMAS 101348509 19-01 LOUISE, TINA 111221111 100000000-01 SAMPLE, JOHN 111223333 18018-01 SAMPLE, JOSEPH 111223333 100000-01 SAMPLE, JOHN

Birth 03/14/60 07/15/59 03/31/62 07/12/55 10/27/20 10/27/20 12/02/45 03/01/62 08/25/20 12/12/50 03/01/80 03/01/62 03/01/80

D.O.S Loc 02/15/09 01 02/05/09 01 03/01/09 01 03/18/09 01 02/28/09 01 02/28/09 01 02/19/09 01 01 01/05/09 01 02/19/09 01 01 01 02/01/09 01 More...


F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The information listed with the Policy Number View includes the patient's insurance policy number, account number, patient first and last names, birth date, date of service, and location.

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How to Use MED/FM 75

5. Medical Record Number Use this view to access patients based upon their hospital medical record number. This is useful for patients added to MED/FM via Hospital Data Capture.

The Patient Selection Screen – Medical Record Number View X70 08:00 AM ID02436 *Tickle*

Account History

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Medical Record # View

Enter Medical Record# for patient...... or Enter Medical Record# to start search..

Sel Medical Record# HSP111223333 HSP111223333 HSP111223333 MERCY2009010100001 MERCY2009010100001 MRN2301 1019 1201 18-03-31-62 19-99-95 200002030010 2009-02-19-0023 2009010018

Account# 100000-01 1800018-01 18000018-01 123456789-01 987654321-01 23-01 1019-01 12-01 2-01 12749784-01 10-01 18-01 18018-01



D.O.B. Loc 03/01/80 01 01/01/70 01 01/01/35 01 03/31/62 01 03/01/80 01 02/12/50 01 03/31/60 01 10/12/64 01 06/06/52 01 07/22/12 02 04/24/62 01 12/02/45 01 03/01/62 01 More...


F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal F7=DOS Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The information displayed with the Medical Record Number View includes the medical record number, account number, patient last and first names, date of birth (or date of service), and location.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

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76 How to Use MED/FM

6. Patient Date of Birth Use this search to search for patient accounts based upon their date of birth. This can be helpful if the patient's name has been misspelled or when there are multiple patients with the same name. The date of birth search will list patients in birth date order, beginning with the date keyed into the search field.

The Patient Selection Screen – Patient Date of Birth View X70 08:00 AM ID02429

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Date of Birth View *Tickle* Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 or Enter Date-of-Birth to start search at: 0000 0000

Sel Birth Date 08/16/1893 07/22/1912 05/16/1919 12/14/1919 08/25/1920 10/27/1920 12/31/1921 09/15/1925 07/06/1927 01/01/1935 11/14/1935 04/10/1940 12/07/1940


Account History

Account# Loc 1017-01 01 12749784-01 02 9-01 01 1008-01 03 4-01 01 22-01 01 12827499-01 01 1009-01 01 1011-01 01 18000018-01 01 1010-01 01 21-01 01 1015-01 01

Soc. Sec.# 054-67-0745 527-54-6645 210-36-4110 300-57-0754 101-32-8509 024-98-4462 557-20-8213 225-80-9994 335-04-7871 111-22-3333 556-44-1215 568-36-1412 226-50-4654 More...


F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The information displayed with this view includes the date of birth, patient name, account number, location, and social security number.

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How to Use MED/FM 77

7. Contract ID Code Select this view sequence to access accounts based upon the contract ID to which they are assigned. Type the contract ID in the search field. All patients assigned to the selected contract will be listed.

The Patient Selection Screen – Contract ID Code View X70 08:00 AM ID02432

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Contract View *Tickle* Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 or Enter Contract ID to start search......

Sel Contract Acct# MCAID 22 MCAID 18018 MCARE 9 MCARE 19 MCARE 22 MCARE 1017 MCARE 18018 MCARE 12749784 WC 11 WC 123456789

Account History



F/C 020 010 020 020 020 020 010 020 070 010

Bottom F3=Exit

F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The Contract ID Code View displays the contract ID number, family account number, guarantor name and address, and financial class.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

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78 How to Use MED/FM

8. Attorney Name This view is only available from the Account History option (option 4) from the Main Menu. The Attorney Name View provides a way to search for patients associated with a particular attorney.

The Attorney Selection Screen X70 08:00 AM ID02428 Account History *Tickle* Enter Attorney Number to list patients: 00000 or Enter Attorney Name to start search.... Number 00008 00010 00001 00004 00003 00007 00011 00005 00002 00006 00009

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Attorney View


Bottom F3=Exit

F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

To list all patient records associated with an attorney, type the attorney number in the "Enter Attorney Number to list patients" input field, press FIELD EXIT, and then press ENTER. The Attorney Client Selection Screen will be displayed.

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Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 79 The Attorney Client Selection Screen X70 08:00 AM Attorney:

Account History 1




01/01/10 QPADEV0006


Contact JACK LAW 619 555-3844 Extension: Fax Number 619 555-3845 Loc 01 01 01 01 01 01

D-O-B Sex Soc. Sec. # 07/15/59 M 221 32 7995 03/01/80 M 333 22 1111 03/31/62 M 111 22 3333 03/01/80 M 987 65 4321 10/12/64 F 453 26 7891 12/05/50 M 238 34 1494

Balance 359.00 355.00 513.07 185.00 2,515.00 2,721.00

Page Keys

The Attorney Client Selection Screen displays the attorney's name, the law firm's name, address, and contact information. The screen also displays the attorney's clients, including the patient name, location, date of birth, gender, social security number, and account balance. Type a "1" in the field next to the desired patient and press ENTER to display the patient's account history.

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80 How to Use MED/FM

9. Phone Number Use this view to access patient accounts based on their home phone number. This option is beneficial when the name or account number on a patient payment was not provided or is not legible. When a search by telephone number is selected, the selection screen displays family records in telephone number sequence, beginning with the area code.

The Patient Selection Screen – Phone Number View X70 08:00 AM ID02438

Account History

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Phone Number View *Tickle* Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 or Enter Phone Number to start search..... 000 000 0000

Sel Phone Number Account# Family Name 619-065-0455 1021 HARTFORD, MARY 619-205-5644 1009 SMYTHE, BOBBI JO 619-222-5545 1010 JONES, JEREMIAH 619-224-1348 14 GORDON, CHARLES 619-234-2650 15 MILLER, STEVE 619-234-3344 30 PONCE , DELEON 619-234-3690 19 LOUISE, GEORGE 619-234-6841 20 CARLISLE M.D., GEORGE 619-234-8005 4 MC CABE, THOMAS 619-234-8877 1006 VANKANTRAMEN, RAMESH 619-245-3180 16 JONES, MICHAEL 619-250-3092 6 WIRTH, ADAM 619-254-1211 1022 GIBB, ANDY D.

Address F/C 4004 FLORIDA STREET 010 7415 CABLE DRIVE 022 4456 EUCLID AVE #2 020 328 W. PT. LOMA AVE 001 1310 MAIN STREET 010 442 BELL ST 010 3184 CROWN PT. LANE 020 384 HIGHLAND AVE 070 217 OLIVE ST 022 345 GOLDEN HILLS DRIVE 080 5231 PICASSO AVENUE 080 8054 SAN GABRIEL DRIVE 030 444 HIGH STREET STE 222 040 More...


F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The Phone Number View displays the telephone number, account number, family (guarantor) name and address, and financial class.

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How to Use MED/FM 81

A. Patient First Name Use this sequence option to search for a patient account based upon the patient's first name. This is beneficial for locating patients who have married and have not provided their name change to the billing service, or for finding dependents of divorced couples. The date of birth can also be keyed to further define the search.

The Patient Selection Screen – Patient First Name View X70 08:00 AM ID99999

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Patient First name view *Tickle* Enter Patient Number to access patient..: 000000000 01 or Enter Patient First/D.O.B. to start search: 0000 0000


Account# 6-01 1022-01 12-01 2-01 7-01 1009-01 987654321-03 22-01 1019-01 13-01 8-01 1008-01 14-01


Account History


D.O.B. Sex Loc 04/12/43 M 01 11/12/47 M 01 10/12/64 F 01 06/06/52 M 01 11/19/53 F 01 09/15/25 F 01 09/01/00 M 01 10/27/20 F 01 03/31/60 F 01 03/10/56 M 01 09/10/84 F 01 12/14/19 F 03 10/24/60 M 01

F/C 030 040 070 010 040 022 010 020 010 040 010 020 001

Balance 316.00 .00 2,515.00 359.00 285.00 640.00 120.00 1,554.00 .00 3,851.00 2,095.00 285.00 431.00 More... F3=Exit F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal F7=DOS Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The Patient First Name View displays the account number, patient's first and last names, date of birth (or date of service), gender, location, financial class, and account balance.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

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82 How to Use MED/FM

B. Family Address Use the Family Address View to search for accounts based upon the guarantor's street address. This is beneficial when the patient check payments do not include the account number or patient name. This selection lists the family accounts in family address order.

The Patient Selection Screen – Family Address View X70 08:00 AM ID99999

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Family Address View *Tickle* Enter Family Number to access family... 000000000 or Enter Family Address to start search...


Account# 1017 1007 8 3 36 100000 100000000 37 10000 18018 180018 1800018 18000018

Account History



F/C 020 010 010 010 010 070 010 010 010 010 010 010 020

More... F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them... F3=Exit

The Family Address View displays the family number, family (guarantor) address and name, and financial class.

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How to Use MED/FM 83

C. Patient within Family Use the Patient within Family View to search for accounts based upon the guarantor's account number. This is beneficial when the patients attached to an account do not have the same last name. This selection lists the family accounts in family number order.

The Patient Selection Screen – Family Address View X70 08:00 AM

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Patient Within Family *Tickle* Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 or Enter Family number to start search.... 000000000


Account# 1-01 2-01 3-01 4-01 5-01 6-01 7-01 8-01 9-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 13-01

Account History



D.O.B. Sex Loc 05/12/57 F 01 06/06/52 M 01 11/29/58 F 01 08/25/20 M 01 02/12/60 M 01 04/12/43 M 01 11/19/53 F 01 09/10/84 F 01 05/16/19 M 01 04/24/62 M 01 07/15/59 M 01 10/12/64 F 01 03/10/56 M 01

F/C 010 010 010 022 001 030 040 010 020 040 070 070 040

Balance 280.00 359.00 656.00 1,464.00 476.00 316.00 285.00 2,095.00 648.00 1,965.00 359.00 2,515.00 3,851.00 More...


F2=Select view F6=Browse F23=Replay F12=Previous F17=Exclude 0 Bal F7=DOS Cursor Select You have tickler requests pending. Press F8 to review them...

The Patient within Family View displays the family number, patient name, date of birth, sex, location, default financial class and balance due.

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84 How to Use MED/FM

D. Balance Due Use the Balance Due View to search for accounts based upon the balance due of a patient's account. This is beneficial when searching for accounts with a high balance due to assure that appropriate collection efforts are being taken. It can also help locate small balance accounts to determine if they should be written off. This selection lists the patient accounts in descending balance due order.

The Patient Selection Screen – Balance Due View X70 08:00 AM ID02434

01/01/10 QPADEV000R Balance Due View Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 Enter Balance due to start search...... 0000000


Account# 13-01 1007-01 20-01 12-01 8-01 10-01 22-01 4-01 29-01 30-01 16-01 3-01 9-01


Account History


F2=Select view F17=Show all Accts


Insr# 7 3 9 10 8 7 1 1 13 8 11 4 1

D.O.B. 03/10/56 12/05/50 12/05/50 10/12/64 09/10/84 04/24/62 10/27/20 08/25/20 08/12/58 11/15/65 01/12/75 11/29/58 05/16/19



Lo 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

F/C 040 010 070 070 010 040 020 022 010 010 080 010 020

Balance 3851.00 3411.00 2721.00 2515.00 2095.00 1965.00 1554.00 1464.00 1419.00 962.00 747.00 656.00 648.00 More...

F12=Previous Cursor Select

The information listed with the Balance Due View includes the family account number, the patient number, the guarantor name, the patient's primary insurance company number, the patient's date of birth and gender, the patient's originating location of service, the account level financial class, and the patient's balance due within the account. Type the patient's account number in order to access the account, or type a dollar amount into the "search" field to locate accounts based upon their balance due. Use whole dollars. To find accounts whose balance is $9.99 or less, type 10 in the search field and then press FIELD EXIT (or the "+" key on the number pad) and ENTER. The records on the selection screen will be repositioned to all accounts at or below the selected dollar amount.

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How to Use MED/FM 85

E. Balance Due Within Financial Class Use the Balance Due Within Financial Class View to search for accounts based upon the balance due of a patient's account and the account level financial class. This is beneficial when searching for self pay accounts with a high balance due to assure that appropriate collection efforts are being taken or to possibly set up payment plans. It can also help locate small balance accounts within the Medicaid class to determine if they should be written off. This selection lists the patient accounts in descending balance due order within each financial class.

The Patient Selection Screen – Balance Due Within Financial Class View X70 08:00 AM ID02434

01/10/10 QPADEV000R F.Cls/Bal.Due Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 Enter Fin. Class to start search....... 000


Account# 5-01 14-01 33-01 1015-01 1007-01 8-01 29-01 30-01 3-01 987654321-01 10000-01 15-01 123456789-01


Account History


F2=Select view F17=Show all Accts

Insr# 1 99999 99999 99999 3 8 13 8 4 3 3 3 3 F6=Browse

D.O.B. 02/12/60 10/24/60 12/11/61 12/07/40 12/05/50 09/10/84 08/12/58 11/15/65 11/29/58 03/01/80 03/31/62 12/13/65 03/31/62



Lo 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

F/C 001 001 001 001 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010

Balance 476.00 431.00 235.00 235.00 3411.00 2095.00 1419.00 962.00 656.00 640.00 635.19 537.00 513.07 More...

F12=Previous Cursor Select

The information listed with the Balance Due Within Financial Class View includes the family account number, the patient number, the guarantor name, the patient's primary insurance company number, the patient's date of birth and gender, the patient's originating location of service, the account level financial class, and the patient's balance due within the account. Type the patient's account number in order to access the account, or type a financial class code into the "search" field and press ENTER to locate accounts based upon their account level financial class.

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86 How to Use MED/FM

F. Family Name Within Financial Class The family record contains address and employer information for the head of household, guarantor, or responsible party. The Family View is useful when the guarantor or head of household has a different name than the patient. Use this view to search for accounts based upon the guarantor's name and the account level financial class.

The Patient Selection Screen – Family Name Within Financial Class View X70 08:00 AM ID02434

01/10/10 QPADEV000R Fin.class/Name Enter Patient Number to access patient: 000000000 01 Enter Fin. Class &/OR Name to search... 000


Account# 5-01 14-01 33-01 1015-01 1016-01 23-01 17-01 1001-01 2-01 18-01 1014-01 1018-01 15-01


Account History


F2=Select view F17=Show all Accts


Insr# 1 99999 99999 99999 3 13 2 4 3 12 13 2 3

D.O.B. 02/12/60 10/24/60 12/11/61 12/07/40 08/15/65 02/12/50 03/14/60 07/15/59 06/06/52 12/02/45 05/12/60 10/01/70 12/13/65



Lo 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 03 01 01 01 01 01

F/C 001 001 001 001 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010

Balance 476.00 431.00 235.00 235.00 285.00 424.01 161.00 34.92 359.00 462.00 315.00 232.20 537.00 More...

F12=Previous Cursor Select

The information listed with the Family View includes the family account number, the patient number, the guarantor name, the patient's primary insurance company number, the patient's date of birth and gender, the patient's originating location, the account level financial class, and the patient's balance due within the account. Type the patient's account number in order to access the account. Type a financial class code into the first search field and press ENTER to present an alphabetic list of all accounts within the selected class. Type a financial class and a last name, to position to a specific alphabetic point within the selected financial class.

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Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 87

Using Data Entry Screens Data entry screens enable users to enter information into the MED/FM system. Adding patients and charges, or printing insurance claims, are done from data entry screens. Most MED/FM features consist of a series of data entry screens. For instance, Enter Transactions has different data entry screens for finding patients, adding charges, or adding payments and adjustments. Think of data entry screens as registration or card-file forms portrayed on a display screen. The data entry screen contains input fields where information is typed. Move the cursor to an input field to enter the information required, and then use the functions and options described earlier to perform various functions. One menu option that provides access to some important data entry screens is File Maintenance (option 6) from the Main Menu. The auxiliary files are the backbone of the database. They contain information that is used repeatedly in every function of the MED/FM system.

The Patient Record Entry Screen Title Information Mode

X70 08:00 AM Update Mode

01/01/10 QPADEV0006 Notes

Account#.... 123456789-01

P A T I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N Middle Initial... Last Name... SAMPLE JOSEPH 0331 1962 Patient Sex...... M Soc. Sec.#.. 111 22 3333 00001 Refer Dr..... 00111 Primary Dr.. 00000 Diagnoses... 01 Military Br... Duty Status...... S E

H O S P I T A L I N F O R M A T I O N MRN......... MERCY2009010100001 Admit Date.... 000000 I/O/E code...... E Dischg. Date.. 000000 Deceased.... 000000 I L L N E S S Current DOE... 000000

Function Keys

Patient Registration


First Name.... Birth Date.... Attending Dr.. Location...... Pat. Status...

Entry Fields


F3=Exit F12=Previous


I N J U R Y I N F O R M A T I O N Accident Type.... Cond Related to: Accident Place..

F5=Refresh F6=Browse

F9=Family screen F23=Images

(E/A/O) (auto)

F14=Notes F20=Add Image F15=User Defined Fields

Every screen in MED/FM contains Title Information and function keys. Standard functions, such as F3 (Exit) and F12 (Previous) were described earlier in this chapter starting on page 14. A large number of MED/FM menu options present a selection screen as the first screen of the option. The selection screen shows an alphabetical list of the records stored in the file, one line per record, with enough information to identify the desired record. The cursor generally appears in the first available input field on the data entry screen. In the screen above, the cursor will be positioned in the "First Name" input field. If a record contains a notification (such as "In Collections") or a billing ID code (such as "Slow Payer"), the notification will be displayed at the top of the screen and will either be highlighted or displayed in a red font.

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88 How to Use MED/FM

The Elements of Data Entry Screens Following are descriptions of the elements that make up the Data Entry Screen.

Title Information The title information appears at the top of every screen and includes the dataset acronym, current date, time, screen ID number, name of the screen or function being accessed, the current date, and the display station ID.

Mode The current mode being used (Update or Entry) will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. Use the F9 function key to toggle between the two modes. Add new entries while in Entry Mode. Review and edit existing records in update mode.

Entry Fields Entry fields contain the data that is associated with the patient or account. An active entry field will be displayed next to the field name and will either contain zeros, contain previously entered data, or will be blank (with a line next to the field indicating where the entry should be keyed).

The Entry Fields Middle Initial... Patient Sex...... M Refer Dr..... 00000

To enter data in a blank entry field, press TAB until the cursor is in the desired field (or click on the desired field with the PC mouse), and then enter the data. Then press TAB or FIELD EXIT to advance to the next field, or use the mouse to click on another field. To enter data in an entry field that already contains data, do one of the following: Press the TAB or FIELD EXIT key to place the cursor in the field, and then type the data. Any data that is keyed will replace the data that was previously displayed. Click on the entry field to place the cursor in the field, use the DELETE or BACKSPACE keys to remove the unwanted data, and then enter the new data. With the cursor positioned in the entry field, press the INSERT key to insert text within the displayed data. The INSERT key is used to type within any data that is currently displayed. Type the new entry in the input field, and then press FIELD EXIT to delete any data that follows the new value. For example, if "JAMES" is typed over "WILLIAM," the field will appear as "JAMESAM." While the cursor is behind the "S," press FIELD EXIT to remove the "AM" and advance to the next field.

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 89 Numeric fields (such as "Date" fields) contain all zeros before an entry has been made. To enter data in a numeric field, press TAB or FIELD EXIT to place the cursor in the field, and then key the numeric data. If a numeric value is keyed that uses every numeric space in the field, the cursor will automatically advance to the next field after the last number. For example, when entering a date that is comprised of a "month and day" field and a "year" field, after keying the last digit of the day, the cursor will advance to the "year" field. Some numeric fields may need to be right justified, such as a field that contains a dollar amount. To right justify a numeric field, press the FIELD EXIT key after keying the number. For example, if a field contains eight zeros (such as "Amount: 00000000"), and an amount of $25.45 needs to be keyed, type 2545 and the field will be displayed as "Amount: 25450000." Upon pressing FIELD EXIT, the keyed numbers will be right justified ("Amount: 00002545"). Note: If the FIELD EXIT key is not used, you must enter zeros before the number to keep the number right justified. For example, to key an amount of $25.45 in the "Amount: 00000000" field, type 00002545. To enter a number with a negative value, such as a credit amount, use the FIELD MINUS (-) key instead of the FIELD EXIT key. When FIELD MINUS is pressed, the system will treat the value as a negative number and place a minus sign (-) after the value. For example, to enter a credit amount of $25.45, type 2545 in the "Amount" field and then press FIELD MINUS. The field will appear as "Amount: 000002545 -."

Function Keys The function keys that may be used with a data entry screen can be found at the bottom of the screen. To perform a function, press the corresponding key on the keyboard. Every chapter in this manual describes the functions that can be used with the associated module of MED/FM. Standard functions, such as F3 (Exit) and F12 (Previous) were described earlier in this chapter starting on page 14. In order to prevent redundancy, these "standard" functions will not be repeated in the applicable chapters.

Update and Entry Modes When accessing a data entry menu option, "Update Mode" will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. Update Mode enables users to access and change existing record information. Entry Mode lets users add new records. The F9 function key works as a toggle switch between the two modes.

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90 How to Use MED/FM

Completing a Data Entry Screen When adding many records to a new file, it is very helpful to have all of the data entry information organized and ready to be keyed. The data can be processed with a sense of order. 1

If "Update Mode" is displayed on the screen, press F9 (Entry Mode) to activate Entry Mode.


Key the code for the new record to be added, press FIELD EXIT, and then press ENTER. A new data entry screen will appear to receive information.

The Family Record Entry Screen X70 08:00 AM Entry Mode


Patient Registration

Family Name...... Address Line 1... Address Line 2... City/State/Zip... Financial Class.. 000

Account#..... 999999999

Employer Name.... Emp. Address..... City/State/Zip... Mail To.......... Mailing Address.. City/State/Zip...


/ 00000 0000


/ 00000 0000


Home Phone#.. 000 000 0000 Contract ID..

Work Phone#.. 000 000 0000 Extension.... (if different than above)


Flag for On-Demand Statement?...... N Hold statements from printing?..... N Letter number to be printed.... 00000 F3=Exit

01/01/10 QPADEV0006


/ 00000 0000 Print dunning message on statement?... Y Override statement message number.... 00 Billing ID Code......................


F9=Foreign Zip F20=Add Image

F10=More Info F23=Images


Type new information in the necessary input fields.


Press FIELD EXIT, TAB, or NEW LINE to move the cursor to the next input field.


Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all input fields are filled in.


If an input field already displays information that is to be retained, use TAB to advance the cursor to the next input field without clearing the information.


Press ENTER to add the record to the file and return to the selection screen.

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How to Use MED/FM 91

Browsing The Browse function (F6) is a useful tool for finding and retrieving information from auxiliary files without leaving the current menu option. Use the Browse function in either Update Mode or Entry Mode. Whenever "F6=Browse" is displayed at the bottom of the screen, there will be one or more browsable fields on that screen.

To select a browsable file record 1

Place the cursor on the desired browsable input field. For instance, on the Patient Record Entry Screen, place the cursor on the "Zip Code" entry field.


Press the F6 (Browse) function key, which will display the file's Browse Window. The file records will be listed in alphabetical order.

The Zip Codes File Browse Window Zip Codes Type options, press Enter. 1=Select 2=Update Position to desc... Opt

Code 42601 16820 29620 31001 36310 38601 70510






If the required record is not displayed in the window, type the name in the "Position to" field and press ENTER to search through the file. For instance, when looking for a San Francisco zip code, type "San F" or "San Fran." Or use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys to scroll forward or backward through the file until the desired record appears in the window.


Type a "1" in the "Opt" field next to the desired record, and then press ENTER. The original menu option (in this example, the Family Record Entry Screen) will be redisplayed. The selected auxiliary file record will be brought forward into the browsed input field (in this case, the "City/State/Zip" fields).

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92 How to Use MED/FM

Adding a New Record from the Browse Window 1

From the data entry screen, place the cursor on the desired browsable input field and press the F6 (Browse) function key.


The browsed file records are displayed in the Browse Window in alphabetical order.


Search for the required record by paging through the file or by keying search characters. If the record does not appear in the window, continue to step 4.


Press the F9 (Add) function key from the Browse Window. The corresponding Selection Screen will be displayed in Entry Mode.

The Zip Codes File Selection Screen in Entry Mode X70 08:00 AM Entry Mode Zip Code 42601 16820 29620 31001 36310 38601 70510 70511 04406 54405 76621 17301 67510 20606


01/01/10 QPADEV0006



Enter the zip code you wish to add..... 00000 or Position to description................ F3=Exit


F9=UPDATE mode

Page Keys Cursor select


To add the record to the auxiliary file, type its code in the input field and press ENTER. A blank record entry screen will be displayed.


Type all required values in the record entry screen and press ENTER to add the record to the file. The Browse Window will reappear. The new record will be displayed at the top of the window.


To select the newly created record, type a "1" in the "Opt" field next to the record, and then press The record will be brought forward into the originating screen.


Refer to Chapter 6, File Maintenance, for detailed instructions on adding, changing, and deleting auxiliary file records.

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How to Use MED/FM 93

Changing a Browsed File Record Use the "Change" option (option 2) from the Browse Window to update information or correct an error within the desired record. 1

From the data entry screen, place the cursor on the desired auxiliary file input field and press the F6 (Browse) function key.


The Browse Window will be displayed with the auxiliary file records listed in alphabetical order. In this example, the Zip Codes file is used.

The Zip Codes File Browse Window Zip Codes Type options, press Enter. 1=Select 2=Update Position to desc... Opt

Code 42601 16820 29620 31001 36310 38601 70510



3 4



Search for required record using the methods described earlier. Upon locating the desired record, type a "2" in the "Opt" field next to the record, and then press The record will be displayed in Update Mode.


The user must have full authority to the file in order to add, update, or delete records.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

94 How to Use MED/FM The Zip Code Record Screen in Update Mode X70 08:00 AM Update Mode

Zip Code File

Zip Code: 19973

01/01/10 QPADEV0006

Status: Active

City..... SEAFORD State.... DE

F3=Exit F4=Delete





Make the necessary changes and press ENTER to return to the auxiliary file Browse Window.


Type a "1" in the "Opt" field next to the updated record and press ENTER. The changed record will be brought forward into the data entry screen into the field that was browsed.

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 95

Using Report Prompt Screens Nearly all reports in the MED/FM system offer a prompt screen that enables users to define the parameters of the report being requested. Most of the prompts are displayed in a range type of format, offering the ability to choose one, many, or all records available. A sample format with an explanation is provided below.

The Report Prompt Screen X70 08:00 AM

Daily Activity Summary Report Custom On Demand Defaults


Type options, press Enter. List Options From Posting date.........................(MMDDYY)..... 120109 Location.......................................... 01 Attending doctor.................................. 00001 Report format......................(1,2 or 3)..... 1. Sorted by date showing activity by doctor. 2. Sorted by month showing activity by doctor. 3. Sorted by location of service.


Spool File Options Printer to receive output......................... LASER Number of copies.................................. 01 Hold report on output queue....................... N

F3=Exit F24=More


F6=Browse F11=SMART

F4=CPU defaults F13=Scheduled Jobs

To 123109 01 99999

(1-99) (Y=Yes, N=No)

F7=Month end defaults F10=Jobq parameters

The Report Prompt Screen will usually contain a "List Options" section and a "Spool File Options" section. The "List Options" section contains the parameters of the report, including a date range and report format, and other criteria that may be used by the report, such as a range of doctors and locations. Press F6 (Browse) from a date field to select a date from the Calendar Window. Date fields are usually input in mmddyy format. Most Report Prompt Screens offer multiple formats of the report. Some format options may be different sort sequences, while other options may offer summery versus detailed output. The "Spool File Options" section is used to specify the parameters used when the report processes. These parameters include the printer to use, the number of copies (from 1 – 99), and whether to place the report on hold in the output queue after it spools. Placing a report on hold allows the requester to view the report on line before releasing it to the printer. If the output is not what was desired or expected, the report can be deleted.

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96 How to Use MED/FM

Making Report Selections 1

The cursor will be positioned on the first selection field; in the above case it will be on the "Posting Date From" field. Whenever a posting date or date of service is offered for the date range, it means that the report is based on transaction activity. Key the date range for the required period. Activity falling on the "From" and "To" dates, as well as within them, will be included in the report.


Move the cursor to the next selection. In this case the "Location" field.


Key the range of locations to be reported. To report the data for only one location, key the same location number in both the "From" and "To" fields. For all locations, leave the fields as they are ("From" is 01 and "To" is 99). The default entries on report prompt screens generally allow all items to be selected.


Continue reviewing and editing of the prompt input fields.

Note: Manual entries are not required in most fields; the default values displayed can be used.

Selecting the Report Format 1

Frequently, a report can be formatted several different ways. Many reports will print detailed information or a summary format. They can also be sorted in a variety of orders. To select the desired format, type the corresponding format number in the "Report Format" field (or enter a "Y" in the applicable fields).


Choose the printer and number of copies to be printed. Optionally, hold the report held from printing until a more convenient time. Press ENTER to submit the report to the job queue to wait its turn for processing.

Refer to Chapter 11, Reports, for a description of the standard function keys that are found on the report prompt screens.

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How to Use MED/FM 97

Multiple Dataset Report Requests Most reports can be launched from one data set, yet produce output for multiple datasets. After selecting the parameters for the report, press ENTER. If the report can be submitted for multiple datasets, the Data Set Selection Screen will be displayed.

The Multiple Dataset Selection Screen X70 08:00 AM

Data Set Selection


01/01/10 QPADEV0003

Practice Analysis Report by Dr.

Type options, press Enter: 1=Select Sel

Acronym A70 R70 V70 X70 Z70




F21=Select all

To select a dataset, type a "1" in the "Sel" field at the left of the dataset acronym and then press ENTER. To select all datasets, press F21 (Select all). A separate report will be spooled for each selected dataset. There will not be any combined totals. MED/FM submits every report to a job queue so the workstation can process other functions while the report is created and printed. The system will send a message to the submitting user when the report is finished. A message indicator "MW" will appear at the bottom of the display screen.

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98 How to Use MED/FM

Sending Output to a PC File Many reports provide an option to send the output to a PC file instead of a spooled and printed file. Using Excel® or other PC programs, the PC file can be opened and formatted to practice-specific desires. The resulting PC file will be placed in the iSeries® integrated file system in a folder created for the user who submits the report. MED/FM will create the folder if it does not already exist. The folder path will be similar to the following: CFxxx/yyy/REPORTS/zzzzzzzzzz "xxx" is replaced with the CPU client base acronym. "yyy" is replaced with the dataset acronym. "zzzzzzzzzz" is replaced with the user name. For example, user John, working at CPU client MBE (Medical Billing Experts), runs the report for their data set SDD (San Diego Doctors), and directs the output to a PC file named "PRANAL," with an extension of "CSV." The path to the iSeries® integrated file system folder in which the resulting file is placed would be: CFMBE/SDD/REPORTS/JOHN/PRANAL.CSV Type a "Y" in the "Or send output to a PC file instead" prompt on the report prompt screen. Upon pressing ENTER, the Report to PC File Request Window will be displayed.

The Report to PC File Request Window Report to PC File Request PC file name........ File extension...... Append date/time?... N F3=Exit

(TXT, CSV) (Y/N)


Report to PC File Request Window Input Fields Following are definitions of the input fields found in the Report to PC File Request Window. PC File Name Type a name to assign to the resulting PC file. The file will be placed in the iSeries® integrated file system in a folder created for the user who submits the report. File Extension Type "CSV" to create the output file as a comma-separated-value file, or type "TXT" to create the output file as a text file. The CSV file extension allows the user to bring the file up with the Excel® spreadsheet program. The user can then format the cells of the spreadsheet using the formatting and graphing features of Excel®. Once formatted, save the file as an Excel® Workbook. The TXT file extension allows the user to create a file that can be imported into a formatted Excel Workbook using the "Import External Data" and "Refresh Data" options in the Excel "Data" dropdown menu.

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

How to Use MED/FM 99 Append date/time Type a "Y" in this field to attach the system date and time to the output file. If the date and time were appended to the file described at the top of this page, its name would be similar to the following: CFMBE/SDD/REPORTS/JOHN/PRANAL091130065322.CSV The "091130" indicates the year, month, and day the file was created. The "065322" indicates the hour, minute, and second the file was created.

Selecting and Sequencing the Fields for the PC File If a report offers the option to send the output to a PC file, users can also select and sequence the fields to be included in the output file. Since each report provides different output values, the selection screen will be different, but similar to the following sample presented when the Practice Analysis Report is selected and its output is directed to a PC file.

The PC File Field Selection Screen X70

Custom On Demand Defaults

PC file name:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

File type:

01/01/10 QPADEV0003

(Txt, Csv) Append date and time? N

Select and order fields to be sent to PC file: Transaction Information Fields Attending Dr# Location Code Procedure Code Procedure Description Volume Amount YTD Volume YTD Amount Time Units Base Units

Bottom F3=Exit


The top portion of the screen repeats the values specified in the Report to PC File Request Window as a reference. The middle portion of the screen lists all available fields. Select and sequence the desired fields by typing a sequence number beside them. Type a "1" beside the field that should be the first value in the file, type a "2" beside the field that should be the second value, and so on. When finished, press ENTER to submit the report to the job queue for processing.

Green Screen Version 1/1/10

MED/FM Reference Manual Release 7.0

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