The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1942 THE PIOUA DAILY CALL SPORT in the Indians Score in Every Period to Whip Vandalia 26-0 for First 1942 Triumph Powerhouse Yankees Ready to Go in Series Cager for the opportunity (o add another World Series to their American League champions, pose for a picture Yankee Stadium. impressive L. to string. front the New York Yankees. Charlie Kelter, Hank Borowy.

Phil Rizzuto, Art Fletcher, Joe row, Buddy Rosa: John Schulte, coach; Acley Donald, Marvin Breuer; second Manager McCarthy, Earl Combs, coach: coach; Crosetti, Ernie Ponliam, Jim Turner, Paul Schrelter, coach; row, Rollie Hempley, Tuck Stalnback. Frank don, Earl Painter, trainer; third row, George Selkirk, Lefty Gomez, Marius Joe Russo. Red Rolfe, Jerry Priddy, Jor ler, Johnny Lindell, Roy Cullenuine, Johnny Murphy DiMaggio, Red RuNting, Spud ChandBIll Dickey. Pat Doherty, bat boy, in front. CARDS GIVEN GOOD CHANCE AGAINST YANKEES By HARRY GRAYSON NUA Bervice Sporty Editor St.

Louis, Sept. chance here the Cardinals against the Yankees in the World Series? A grand chance. I would say, offhand. Why not? This year's edition is not a great New York American League club. Not by any stretch of the imaginaton.

Certainly, not 91011 Buddy Hasseil on base and Hoy Cu1lenbine in right field. where the all. round star, Tom Henrich, may be missed, While the Yankees won the penDAnt as far as you can throw rock. and then some, they bad nolhluz nsuch outside of a fair Boston club to beat, atri the Red Sox went, into their fiual game nf the coinsaign with An 11 to 10 edge on the world champions. Young Tex Hughson of the Red Hox reveled the Yankees in four strolohl This micht of'e vou a rauch idea of what Morton Cooner, 7 much mare walisised may do to tacan.

Cooper has nine shutouts and, like his has forgotten how to lose. Cordinate are the. Ball Club 'The ririve That enabled the 951. nuis Streaks to maintain 811 640 -ace threwwhont their last 50 gAmes easily could 59PC them world championshin. The Cordjuuls are the lasers.

Few of them get. 10 of In way of salery. SevernI of the Yaukees, 011 the olher band. pre wealthy aud, while McCarthy is a master at Ine Bombers on won't complacency, be 'the Brons any more robust. because they are surfeited with success.

They have been taking It easy the last few days, bittine the first ball anything to get the ganic over with. If any Chine, I suspect St, Louts has an edge in pitching. For twO reasons, Ihr hrillian! Yankee defense has held up the witching. Phil Rizzuto and Joe. Gordon ere wonders.

Red Rolfe nays plenty of third bane. and Joe DiMAgglo and Charley Kelley are matchless in the outtield, So tight is the Yanker defense that a lot of I mediocre pitchers would be 15-game Rinners wilh them. To Make Trouble Play Weu Mast be on Rase The that 1s thor. dicien-e "nore than the pitching that the Yankees on top is keeps again shown by their new record 190 double blays, Men have to be on base to make possible A double play. the Yankres completing 190 double killings opposing Indicates how frequently batters were on the paths.

A poor club such as Boston Braves frequently leads the league In double plays, The Answer is abvious. Their pitchers couldn't keen batters off first base. And, speaking of double plays. the Yankee Infield, as swift R3 11 Is. wit have tr throw the ball Around in hurry to make double plays against one of the fastest clubs in history.

The Cardinals ramble 50 rapidly that Casey Stenthe Braves considers it A shame that there will be 120 hinte Olymple Games. Manager Stengel HERE AND THERE Ordinary steel paper cilps are costed with (in. Lates Ontario and Huron have a Unles laiger area In Canada than In States. Steel production in IBI0 amounted la 917 tops In the U. 8.

or about -thousandth of one per cent of the 1941 output. World's oldest jewel la said to bu rimber, called "the gem of often tive ages." DODGERS BANKING ON NEWSOM HOPING WARNEKE HALTS CARDS BY PACI SCHEFFENS Untied Press Star Correspondent New York, Sept. 26. l'outh against age will the (heme AS the Centional League penDAnt the St, Louis Cardinals and Brouklyn Dodgers thiers Ibt seand-final slage. A pair of pitching veteraus.

Loil Warncke of the Cubs and Buck No)som combined of the Dodgers, wArpse major league experience years, hold what may he the final answer to sculor elrcult's nose torrid bacule in years. Warneke, winner of 11 this Sear, goes to the lilli agalnst the Cardinals Al gL. outs. Ernie White. now in his third In the big 15me and winner of six Max Lander, currenlly In his fIfth for I ague season And vietor' In 13 contests VCAT.

AI11 altempt to clinch the Cards' fIrst pennant in eight years. Newson, has cHeked on 13 Ila's 47 And with the aid DI good blocking, ran 47 yards for a touchclown. Denman passed to Deubner lay the extra point. Score 26-0, PII qua. The Tribe held the upper bund during the remalnder of the comest1 though the visiting Bulldogs tried In valu to shake a ball carrier loose In tricky open and pass plays.

'The registered their only three first downs in this final perlod but all in VAIn. PIQua registered 10 first downs during the conical. Coach presented A cd lineup with DIlL Bolden moving revampfrom hir substitute end spot 10 left halfback to spark the Indians' ing thrusts wistle Williamson moved Into York's right tackle job, the latter being out because of injurles Andy Laking over the left end slot. Good! Show The Central High band royally entertained between halves pre- sending "Buy Bonds as well 15 a big 1F lo create the setting for An appcaling bond sales talk by Lieut. John Sims, U.

S. Navy, son of Principal ado Mrs. C. M. Sins.

An addedi treat was the band's presentations al "A Bicycle Build for A crowd of over 3.000 turned is certain that the Red Birds would breaks out in win all a rash of base hits track events, 011 occasion, This Cardinal outfit has no power The hitter to match either Joc DiMag- be beaten going to are 1101 Yankee reputation, 4T King Kong Keller, but it. Here is one set 1h. New Yorks makes a little go a long way, and will have to au oul and win, Our men need tanks, ships and guns. The steel for these must be made from scrap metal. But the Nation's steel mills don't have enough scrap on hand to last even 30 days more! Keep 'em running.

Help build up il huge scrap the bigger the better. YOUR NEGLECT WILL COST SOME BRAVE BOY'S LIFE! RED AND BLUE OUTPLAYS FOE FRIDAY NIGHT Schurr, Deubner, Bolden Account for Touchdowns. (BY JACK MURRAYI Scoring touchdowns in each of the four periods, the Central 10gh Indians defealed Rutler Twp. Bulldozs of Vandalla Roostvolt Park in the second came of the current scason, the victery beint the first for the Red and Blue Fit Piqua scored moldway in the first perioxi after Bolden's gallops on sweeps and off -lackle drives moved the ball to the Vandalin 17. Then Bolden passed to Deubney for touchdown.

on the attempted placeneut kick, the pass from center was fumbled but Bolden scooped Lip the ball to gallop over for the extra point. 12t tite second period, with about 11 minutes to 30 in the first half, the Tribe having moved to the visit. ors' 14, tallied in two plays. Den. man picked up eight yards AL right tackle and Schurr ploughed through the other alde of the line to score.

The try for extra point failed. Play in midfield for the remainder of the tall and during the majority the third period. Finally the Indians drove down field from their own 49 to the Butler one- yard live, where Bolden tucked the ball over the goal line. Once more the kick for extra point WAS a failure. Grabs Pass, Scores Vandalin, trailing by 19 pointa, tock: to the air, tossing passes conFinally with eight minutca remaining In the last half, intercepted Shocmaker's Anor: -the-Ine pass on Vanda-' triumphs in this.

his 12th Season In Lise big tcagues. wilt tor the mound tor Brooklyn as Dodgers, now tv.o games off the pace. opez2 their last -ditch fight against the Phils al Philadelphla. Itute Molton, who has won nine games In his third nAalnst Dodgers, with. the Phils, will pitch Tile Dodeers.

110w two canes bind the Cards, kept their the Boston Braves, 6-5. In 11 inhopes alive yesterday by shading was their last game of the Reason at Ebbets Field. As things bland now. even if the Cards a'pre to lose both their remaining samnes, they would still be sure of a tie. 'The Red Birds Were Idle yesterday.

The Glants spill with the Phils. the first of a double-header. 6-3. but dropping the nightcop. 9-1.

In the only American came scheduled. the Chicago White 60x FApped Lie Cleveland Indians, 8-1. out tor last night's game, which was played under ideal weather conditons, the chilly alr perfect for the gridders. Next Friday night, Central High plays Cakwood ot Lay1011 al the University of Dayton stadlum. The summary 2G Position 0.

Vandalia Andy le Springer Gearhart Karns May La Cole Wilson Wead Schmidiapp Rentz Williamson Wolframs Dewbner MRcy Denman Marshall Nead in Shoemaker Bolden Th Morris Belurr 1b Schulz. Ecore by periods: 7-28 Vandalin ......0 0 0-- Touchdowns: Beburr 2, Deubner, Bolden. Polnts After touchdownBolden (run). Deubner (pass). Pion a Fachl, Prince, Bowles, Celgler, Strohmeler.

Schultz, Wagner, Rutsch, Reed, Shiplcy, Balara, Ilalm, Kruse; Vandalla-Worlerey. Hartleln. Nicice, Krohn, Officials Umpire-Gehrina: Head LinesmanFleat. Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Club Won Lost Pet. St.

Louis 18 .684 Brooklyn .102 SO .671 New York 8 ,560 Cincinnati .........16 74 .507 Chicago 68 24 .447 Pittsburgh 64 81 .441 .55 .307 Philadelphia 12 107 .283 AMERICAN LEAGUE Club Won Lost Fel. New York ,103 50 .673 Boston .92 39 St. Louis 82 60 .543 Cleveland .73 79 .180 Detroit 13 73 .480 Chicago .66 82 .446 Washington ........62 89 ,411 PhDadelphla 55 99 .357 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 5, Boston 5. (11 Innings! Firat Game: New York 6, Philadelphia 3. Second Game: Philadelphia 9, New York (Only Games Scheduled AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago 8.

Cleveland 1. (Only Gaine Scheduled) Sunday's Games National League Chicago at St. Louis Boston at New York Brooklyn al Philadelphia Pittsburch at Cincinnal) American League 51. Louis At Chicago Detroit al Cleveland New York at Boston (Only Games Scheduled) As lixed by Jaw, there is chaplain for each 1250 of the total personne: of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. The leather in a single steer hide would provide the leather articles required to outilt a1x; soldiers for a whole year.

Watch this paper for details of the big scrap drive and what you must do to help NEWSPAPERS' UNITED SCRAP METAL DRIVE This space contributed by THE PIQUA DAILY CALL 1 1 STRIKES TO SPARE BLUE FACTORY LEAGUE City Loan TP Dankworth 157 114 520 Schafer 162 163 453 Carson .168 132 222 622 Gertner ,158 158 158 474 Allen 14 133 167 151 451 Handicap 52 52 156 Team Score .843 628 920 2591 Deckera TP Hoft 164 152 406 Daugherty ....167 161 159 Metz 188 140 147 495 Aimon .137 144 165 446 Jordan 172 131 150 453 Kandicap 67 53 62 186 Team Score ....864 818 835 2517 Won 2, lost 1. Therer Bell 3 Tr Wick 130 160 154 453 Ewing 4 .156 131 112 399 Allgeyer .107 149 96 350 Hind ,174 140 119 433 McDaniel .136 147 123 406 Handicap 123 133 369 Team Score ....835 050 125 2410 Finfrock 2 TP Levering ..175 139 122 436 Yoder .125 134 109 368 McInturn $57 159 139 485 King 171 145 409 Baker 166 160 170 486 ..120 120 120 360 Team Score ...,940 880 805 2634 109 3. Moose 2 3 IP Molter ,147 142 122 411 Polschnelder 115 133 173 4211 Barton 96 LO2 112 310 Lemmon .......17 190 184 474 Foster 174 186 327 Handicap 60 69 69 207 Tram Score 154 810 545 2410 Schemmel 2 TP Dickey .162 173 157 492 McOlusky .178 180 183 551 .....144 119 132 395 Pyke 131 :31 131 303 Soliday 169 166 134 468 Handicap .100 100 160 300 Team Score ....883 879 837 2599 Won 2, lost 1. Kn. of St.

John 2 3 Tr R. Hammer ....193 151 143 486 L. Buecker ,167 145 163 465 F. Hollis .103 93 111 307 C. Banker! ,130 120 167 $17 P.

Holler 134 135 151 423 Handicap ..411 .125 125 125 375 Tram Score. ....854 169 849 2472 Won 2, lost 1. Hartzell 2 3 TP J. Brown 150 162 144 485 Dietrich 125 117 149 451 Thornton ,127 139 152 418 Wright .104 124 128 356 Engiert ,159 139 156 454 Handicap 95 95 05 285 Team Score ....779 820 824 24291 Moose No. 1 2 3 Tr J.

Ault 154 179 147 S. Baier .138 131 144 411 R. Morris 138 151 174 483 HI, Ringlespaugh 134 136 117 387 T. Worley ......1 .101 175 158 534 88 88 83 264 Team Score ....151 800 828 2430 Atlas 2 3 TP R. Anthony ,....141 145 134 420 M.

Soliday .167 103 148 483 K. Reineke 150 170 103 522 Bausch 161 153 147 466 R. Holiday .136 136 172 444 Handicap 49 48 43 144 Team Ecure .,812 925 '843 2478 Won 2, lost 1. Piqua Electric 2 3 TP V. Guber.

36 105 3511 Vallery .139 132 172 433 K. Wright .....,149 161 430 Al Schusselin ...150 177 163 400 C. Cary 109 133 141 383 Handicap ....,114 114 114 342 Team Score ,747 812 860 2429 French Foundry 2 3 TP T. Simon 147 170 144 470 Davidson 132 120 376 Pierson -135 110 183 45A R. Bixler 133 154.

124 411 R. Houser .128 110 169 416 Handicap 143 143 143 429 Team Score ....810 467 B83 2550 Won 3. FOOTBALL RESULTS Schol: 8. 0. 13, Xenia Central d.

Fairmont 31, Monroe 7. Miamisburg 14, Frankin 0. Sidney 0, Bellefontalne 0. Greenville 17, Celina 12. Troy 24, Tipp City 6, Fairview 13, Chaminade 7.

Oakwood 59, Wilmington 0. Zanesville 19, Wubur Wright 7. Stivers 6, Hamilton Catholle 0, 8t, Mrry's 0, Wapakoneta 0. Versallics 26, West Milton 0. College Georgla 14, Jacksons ille Cadets 0.

Muskingum 7. Akron T. Marietta 58, Willlamstown 0. St. Vincent 25, Canistus 0.

Texas Christian 7, UOLA 6. Citadel 33, Camp Davis 0. Mt, Union 39, Bluffton 0. Kentucky 35, Xavier 18. Western Reserve 31, Youngslown Ohio Northern 6.

Findlay 0, Net earnings of the steel indus. try in 1941 amounted to 6.2 cents on cach dollar of the largest sales volume ever recorded since the Industry was established. in Total salea of the steel industry 1941 amounted to $5,260 million as compared, with $3,489 million In 1940, $3.800 million for the World WAr year of 1914. M. Er room.

down into Climb your up to the unused stuff you're how important these Important to a kid half Important to a blue-clad ing to reach the torget Messerschmitt can find That old metal means steel means armor plate and ships for Victory. Without it they'll die. that but it's better than to be sacrificed by it's better yet fo live, back home didn't let basem*nt your storethe attic too, Look of sure to find, and realize odds and ends can be. way around the world. gob to a flyer, rocbefore some knifing its mark.

steel for these men. And for safety weapons They're not afraid of to give a life for a cause thoughtlessness. And knowing that the folks them down. And we won't let them down! Piquo's big scrap collection drive is now started and you're going to help make it good one. Don't let up because you see a full junk yard or a street curb piled high with salvage.

That's the way they've got to be to make sure the mills won't run out! FRANK Z. McCOLLOCH Chairman Piqua Salvage Committee Phone 1125.

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

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