The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR, INDIANA FB1DAY, Al'GUST 13, 1921 ''W2 'UFFATO 1 1 1 1, i I 1924 av Imtu Fcaturc. Scftvicv; Inc. 1-tll I I Hit I CHAPTER IX mOVED UNlFORaf WTMNATIONAt fact all, who do VSW Lt 1 CffKOVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL fact all who do rmt IichaviLprtiuiiy OSTEOPATHS WavMool uicliu la Elies had passed throueh -aeTeral phase of violent emotion In the past ten days, like everyone else In the houae ahehad been undergoing mendous mental adjustments. But more sensible or more adaptable than jhe others, she had disciplined herself to accept the hew order of things.

Ellen had the advantage of some preparation, whereas the events of the memorable Wednesday had fallen upon the others like a thunderbolt. She had suspected, doubted, and for many heartsick days and weeks fore the crisis and now, while they all suffened Jn their separate ways i from the shock, Kllen evav experienced In the lord's hMise. re-4WH1ng 4t and therefore all such must meet His judgment; i 3. Ills' Zeal (v. IT).

He was so completely- dominated l'iyieTmHSITn to do the will of nod Huif He nnre nervedly gave' Himself ti His work, This was according- to the prophecy, "The seal of thiiie house hn(h eaten me We should ink His act as an example to us In the divine service and manifest rommMidirtiU.Tetif." This reform did not prove permanent. A few years later He clennaed It again. Thin tiliows how quickly, the human heart is under the control of sin. The only, permanent reformation that new birth Is necessary. IV; Jews Demanding a Sign (vv.

1S-22). They "demanded Of that He show His hnth4tLfojijyB'JUkavJnr. He told tliem thet.tlie only sign (hat would he given was HI -death and temple and raising it up in three days refers to His crucifixion and resurrection. The resurrection Is an unalterable proof of His divine wmshlp (Rom. Jesus came forth from the grave of His own power.

The Jews did not warif They were only finding, excuses for their wickedness. Men today who are demanding proof of Chrlnt's divinity do not really wHh (lie proof hut are only trying to find excuses- for their sin Jemis had the a desperate satisfaction." It was" over Gibbs loved her ho longer, and he knew that she knew It. For a few days. the repetition of this IuhIu by Utm iiinii LiiiU ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "Drams of Jeopardy" A stirriuff iJi)o of Hoiiihiicp and Ad'veiiljurc of I he pur-Hiiit of the two finest emer-aKIh in the world. In Addiiion" 11th ('hunter "DAYS OF "49" EntrtlciJ "Gold Madness" Prices Floor Iliilcony -JOe To All.

TONIGHT- First Show XT 1 Begins at 7:30 O'clock. COMING TOMORROW DAVID BUTLER The MILKY minus and Drama Also SUNSHINE COMEDY Entitled "The Scenario School" rn K'RH Ixiwer Flmir Unlcony Wv-liU'. fact cave' her an empty, vague feeiinir, Lesson (By P. B. FITZWATER.

nn of th Evening School, Moody Blbl lnil- tut4 of Chicwfo,) (riJ4, WMtvn Kwppr Vnlon.) Lesson forAugust 17 JESUS CLEANSES THE TEMPLE WESSON -TEXT Joh i tj -12 GOLDEN TEXT "Myi house be cellod the house ot prayer." Matt. PRIMARY TOPIC Jeeue IxiVca HU Fflthr' Houo. JUNIOK TOPIC nd the Tm. pie Traders. INTERMKDIATJ5 AND SENIOR TOP-1C RlRht Conduct In Qod's Houtie.

YOl'NQ PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC Reference and Car for Goda House, I. Jesus Attending the Passovsr (v, He went up to Jerusalem very often to attend the various feasts. Beginning at the age of twelve this custom was habitual with Uim to the end of RIs ministry. He was under the law and therefore He obeyed it (Dent. but primarily He went up because it was His Father's house.

It Is important that all peojite-frem-tlielr youth up should make the attendance r- and a sensatlon of fatigue. She waK always tired, and her head felt always 3- upon the house of God a habit of their44nd mnti. After the remirrcctlon the Indian ICound, Thr and On-hl Mil HorthcMt of leymoar, lad. Must lieuutiful tipot on White iuer. Cabin for' nt Grounds Banted Cluba U4 M'lU Fartlaa.

iwummo BOATIVO DAMTOIMOHtNUAV ATKHNOONU AND- NIOUTD. Chicken Dinner Served Sundays From 5:00 to 70 Cclocik. UI'KN KUY TenCe nl il mlmtlon will TentinK xpnee to let I'r campem. $nn ee ilia (iinprnce. ara now all mail Cftbin, Jt, tl'.


Phond Main 94. 7 II. The Temple Defiled (v. 14). For the vaHous sacrifices In the temple many oxen, sheep and doves were needed.

Many persons canie from distant parts of the land; therefore, It was impractleahle to bring their sno rlflces with them, so they hrought money nnd bought the animals needed. This privilege the Lord had granted to them (Deut. This exchange was necessary, but when vll men uswl It as au opportunity for gain it becanie an offense before 0d. If Christ were to come to many of our so-called houses of Ood today lie would find them polluted In' just as1 aggravating a way. Ills purging the temple courts shows the need ff purity and order In ell matters eon nected with divine worship.

111. Jeaus Cleansing the Temple (vv. 15-17). 1. Driving Out the Merchants nnd Animals (v.

15). Being the Lord of the temple, the Very Jlesslnh who should come to Ills temple. He had the right to cleanse It, to drive out those who polluted It. It Is not said that He used the scourge of cords but, at Any rate. It was thet symbol of authority.

2. His Command v. 16), "Make not my Father's- house- an house-of Merchandise Is legitimate in Its place. Any use of the lord's-house-ether than to worship and honor Hlro Is to make It a place of merchandise, to pollute It. There is great danger of a worldly spirit ini truding Into the domain of Men who unite with the church for temporal Interests, men who eome to' the house of worship with worldly matter uppermost In their thought, ministers who serve as professionals, men who bring their Ill-gotten gains to help further the work of the Lord, In certajn desperute xourage.

She dressed ia her uuai tcrapulous, flunlnt way. she made herself. and read, and enter 'Tommy's life, She "toiet Gibbs' atern and woody unresponsive ness with tranquil gravity," with his father she was more like her old sunshiny self." Lillian and Ellen barely spoke to 'each other, except for the unavoidable, civilities whose omission would have caused talk among the servants. Josselyn, Senior, had somewhat withdrawn Into himself since the trip te the and had asked tils wife to cancel all engagements for a -week or two. Lillian amiably obeyefl, and after that the silence and chill of hid' den anger and suppressed fear fell upon the "Villino dell Orto Once George Lathrop came to dinner, and for a few hours the shadow lifted, and- now and then Joe came In, perceiving that something waa wronn.

but assum ing, as they were all assuming, that everything was normal and pleasant between the Josselyus. Otherwise they were alone. Lillian wag bewildered and made little uneasy by the suddenness with which this change la atmosphere had come about, because, as she told herself a dozen times a day, nothing had happened, after all. When Tom and Ellen had so abruptly entered the on that eventful Wednesday morning, she had been ready with her luughlng explanation of her presence there, and she had seen that they accepted it. Lillian was not the woman to be caught- unprepared in such a situation.

The smiling greeting with which she had risen to meet them: "Ah, now you've spoiled it all was daunting in its bright sincerity. She had had a kiss for her husband, she had had an arm about Ellen as she elucidated: "Tom, darling, we've been scheming and scheming for a chance to get my picture painted for your birthday what had luck brought you In today And Gibbs had promptly and con cernedly followed her lead. "And hoWd' you get In, Dad? The ear broke down with Lillian yesterday on the Great Neck hill Torrens got In as far as the service station did he telephone you?" "And I had to telephone the Wal laces," Jillliin added, wide-eyed, ''and Tom, I simply invited myself to staj with old Mrs. Pepper at Great Neck all I didn't telephone you because I' had this tin te "for an early sitting with Gibbs" "Take a look at 1" Ibbi said, at the easel. "Awfully rough how.

of eoursef- It's Just laid In." The old man, studying the canvas, nodded. "Still, you've caught III" he said. "Cor broke down, eaT" No, It was skidding," Lillian, at her husband's Side, Blso looking at the portrait, explained. "The road va simply lined with cars, Tom. It wus snowing hard, you know, and I got terribly nervous Finally Tod-ens gave It up, too.

He been talking about the brake, you know, and he was as nervous as She was smiling, eager, garrulous for Lillian. "So I thought this was my chance to pay little attention to, Mrs; Pepper. We were going to have her ever to the house, Tonvjou know, and we never did! And Lindsay was there, I thought he had gone to Washington. 'a S. H'ie w.

ai- 'a He Was Htartslck riftdlhg Himself, His Years and His Dignity, Farced Into This Hideous Role. but be was there, uad he had to make an early for', town this morning, so It aU flttedtni' (TO BB CONTINUED) Amonf the contributions for the relief -of those who lost everyt hing the Lioratn, tornado, was a check for 100 given by prisoners uif the Keiiiucky Sitate-Efiformatory. courage. She dressed 1 1 Drs. Robertson and Cohen Hours i 8-12; 1-0; 7-i.

108Vs N. Oiestnut St, 8eymoar. Phones: Offlee 250." Res. 842. 'Mosey' Feels This By International News Hervlce.

Ft. Wn yne, A tig. 1 Mayor William J. (UUl)- flosey doesn't think very mudi' mora of 'Nutional Defense duy "Brother Charlie" Hryan of Nebraxka. I'ta jnjF.dy'.o.r oflhis stuff.

"I huw too of it in tha lojd con a try. Soldiers 'marching, bands playitis nud the whole filing wiiuTuijf up i a big, scrap. "Tb a t's my miiil. Asked if he were horn in (Jet. liinHy," llosey Kaid he "was not but (lint he had traveled cxleiihively in that country.

His Horn Kept Tooting. By International News Rervlc-e. Aug. 15 This city grew panicky when Dr. 'M.

('. riokty duNhed down the street" with his nntomoliilo horn screaming. Kx- eited citizens 'cleared' a wide puth for the physician who must on a life or. death tuis.moii. Lliler the doctor explained that hia lioin liut-ton JiecHine Ktnck anlthat wheri the people and traffic cleared a path for him he was loath to jmss it up.

Everyone Reads the Classified Adva. WHY YOU SHOULD USE OUR COKE! Our Ashland Solvay is cleaner, docs not clinker, does not smoke, therefore is helter than anthracite at a big saving. Egg and Walnut Size. E.F. Phone Main 39, it i 111! nirrroN MAZED papers believe them "cylinders that gold that earth, of air and sing Yet you as The printed the audacities If you are in Only through and You read lifg.

more You read To choose. save. EASIER -THESE I OE ability to Justify Ills wiiys before (Sod disciples remembered the words of Jeus on this, occowlon. This shows that no sowing of the truth nhnll eventmilly Till vourbt to be great comfort for Shmrtny sclimtl teachers nnd Christian workers. Bandit Tools No Good.

By International News Bervloe. North' Manchetei-, Aupf. There are some doubts' ihat those who frustrated uik allcgcti attempt to rol the; Indiana tate Bank here really audi a ire markable feat Th a piuj dropped by the bad bandits wouldn't 'fire and their, dynamite 4a. explode. CHILDREN'S FATAL DISEASES Worms and parasites in the Intestines of children undermine health, and so weaken their vitality tuat they are unable to resist the diseases so fatal to child life.

The safe course is to give a few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge, It destroys ana expets the worms witnout the slightest injury to the health or activity of the UUUU. 4 1 tut? UUU. CKJUA uy JONES' PfiARMACY SEYMOUR PLANING MILL CO. Mill Work and Building Material Paints and Oils Builders' Hardware Phone 19. 418 S.

Chestnut St. Seymour, Indiana. 30x32 Oincher Oldfield Cord $9.55 PROPORTION. i confused. Gibbs loved her no longer.

Well, what next She hud faced terrible things The old leather harness, for instance, and the feverish days of pain in the eld dining room, by the air-tight stove. And later winter days, in Paris now, when she had roused in the night to listen to the baby's uneven breathing and had wakened to remember that the crlli was gone, that Rose was gone llose was gone! And now she keep sane, and face these ber owq husband, loved another worn. an more thau bis wife, and little brother whose simple, sturdy Integrity had seemed to Blilne in 8d brilliant a contrast to this life of hy pocrisies nnd affectations, JOe lull caused misery and harm, and must take a tarnished record into his new life as a huxbund. Brooding on these' things day and night, yet Ellen forced herself to a THERE is reaso.tvfor vtyihlr that happens. Common-sense kills misery.

Common-sense' also stops boils I S. S. S. is tht xommoa- sens remedy boils, be-1 cause it is built tin reason, Scientific authorities admit its power S. S.

5. DUUdS blood-power, it builds red- blood-cells. That is what makes ie-htina-blood. Fichtinft-blood de stroys imouritles. It fights boils.

It fights pimples! r. It fights skin eruptions I It always wins I Mr. V. D. Schaff, 557 15th, street, waso- inaton.

u. C. writes: tried for years to get relief from a baa cast ot boils. Hvery thing failed until I took S.S.S. I am Bow absolutely cured.

Mad it was tu.t. it" S. 8, 8. told at all food tmg lores ia two aicci. Tho Urgcr uo IS more econonucal.

)ht. WorfHs Bust O. JL loodMcdkino Vhat is Home Vtlurat aFan? Itift nhotdy after enotho-j scorchinc daylight followed by leeplea nlghti; a atrencth-aappins CtuUnce aprat hopuif tot tbs vary tiling WestinghoUte Fan tovides1 cod breMea, a hea.thful circulation I of tmh air, steady, safe. 'r BaaMtr'1- Poiaa'f SiUnce Tht FAN ThmtHtl 3 Asm All Interstate Seivice Ml' my Phone Main 499. 110 South Chestnut Street Semonr, Indiana.

A t.Jc II ranM A UNI HT, be Charged at th Gate. Brinnd your week-end rith us Direct booklncr rnblna fni Seymour, Intl. lilMtlMllllllMIIMtlitUlttilltllllHillMliti 0 lllilumuii. I I I NewwaManW i Ur at -wares described in modern news- and magazines, ancient readers would" NEW LOW PRICES fantastic Arabian Nights tales of bottle the lightning's flash, of tiny ticking measures the turning-over of all the of metal that pull concerts out of them to you in your living-room ON OUR ENTIRE USE OF TIRES and TUBES 30x3 30x3y, Clincher Oldfield Clincher Oldficld, Fabric $6.50. accept these Arabian Nights Entertainments naturally as the products they represent.

page has kept you in daily touch with all of progress. OTHER SIZES IN -SPECIAL FIVE 33x4 GOODYEAR COEDS, SLIGHTLY USED. VERY PRICE. WILLIAMS GAR AGE wise, you keep on reading the advertisements these pages. You read them every day.

ihem can you soonest learn, of new com-forts conveniences men have thought out for you. them to keep alert to ways of making jr them to compare. -r- INDIANAPOLIS, IND: THAN RUBBING THE LAMP TO TURN PAGES AND HAVE THE GOODS THE WORLD BEFORE YOU S1.50 ROUND TRIP Train Leaves Traction Station 6:05 a. m. Eetarning Leaves Indianapolia p.


The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.