The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

f-l I y4' HlMMIIIIItllMMlt tllMlitlMfHIItllllHtllliMHI IIUtltltllllllll4lllllllllihlf immilllll.lllHllllll llltli 6 i Li AJT. BAXSS Minimum tm Wottf rt Minimum frlos, Fifteen ChU Cuh. Tm Cwli Additional If AdT. 1 Chart. 1 1 On taafrtlon, ptr word.

et Thm lTLAtt Iamb iimi wnnl At 3 111 0a moatfc taaerUona, oU. Weekly dmoa, EMki Insertion, ur word. ....1 I- TTiis was the? favorite saying of old David Crockett. those believe in this l'' (OneCent) The Heating Stove with a fur 3The Estate THot Freetown, or Kurtt. Notify Tribune, Libera reward.

olOd nace in it. 'i LQST'hurs'day evening, pair white slippers on Four Corners road. A. ol8d 1 LOST Gold rim glasses at special' train. Return here.

ol8d Where 1c Will Do Wonders Burns either hard or soft CoaL Tie Stove That Lasts as good as The Best." They have stood the Test. Storm. Marion Retort. ew Wpqder Hot -Blast. Royal Hot Blast Oak Heaters, LOST 'Pair nose glasses on 8.

Walnut. Return here. ol8d rT7 FOUND Bicycle and automobile casing. Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement. Call Police Sta- I -DRUG STORE- Service-Quality" II If I lion.

ol8d la rnnnnrTirOTrYinninnnnrinnnnrir II is NOTICE Party who took tire frofn George Vebslage'ti automobile in known. Can avoid prosecution by returning immediately. o20d WANTED Man with college education, willing to shoulder responsibility and having initiative, for district manager in financial depart- Dont put off buying that new heating stove until some other time; Time passes and is soon gone. Look how it pass- es in the desett and in the Arctic circle. Plenty of time but no potatoes.

Don't leave anything to time; he won't do anything for you. Father Time is only a Janitor to the man who thinks. Buy EH Er TUetobcr Keeords HEAR THEM AT THE PROGRESSIVE MUSIC COMPANY'S MUSIC ROOM i The selections arc varied and you will be interested in them. men(, of large interests operating plants. Excellent opportunity.

Write details about yourself which will be held confidential or call C. B. Tuttle Dont think that you are not able to buy that new heating stove this year. Do not be troubled because you haven't lots of money." Remember God made a million spears of grass where He made one tree. A good deed is never lost.

Buy Today. Building, lindianapolis. ol4dti' WANTED High grade man with and security selling ex-, i perience to direct repiresentatives in Indiana of large corporation. A remunerative opjwrtuni'ty for the right mii. Box Xo.


WANTED 10,000 people with Corns, Callouses, Eczema, Ilemmor-oids, or Sores to buy a box of Honey Bee Ointment. M. Huber II H0OVEIbdOWtANDS4 rr.rE m. SEYMOUR, INDIANA 2-3-4 NORTH CHESTNUT STREET Bro. WILL PAY for real coon dog if trial ii Mowed ten days.

C. M. Illation, R. II. 5, Seymour.

ol8d 5 COMPANY UAMTrnfinnii raliahla man Is frfl i.iiiHti.ifiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliifiiiiitiirihilfiniifiiiiiiiiiiftiiiminifiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiifiiifiiiiiiifiMiiifititMiiiiii...iM.....u.........u r- liiiuwiv IIIUI I I VI assistant engineer. Ebner Ice and Cold Storage Company. s27dtf I i-l I' hi 'UA i WANTED Girl to wait on tables. Good wages, easy work. Eagle Restaurant.

olodtf "Keep Smiling" "When Edison invented the Phonograph it endlessly multiplied the world's supply of music, just as Palmer's discovery that spinal adjustments would free nerve pressure at the backbone and remove jhe cause of disease, has endlessly multiplied the world's hepe of health." See the Chiropractor. CONSULTATION FREE. Helen M. Douglas, D. C.

Stephen A. Douglas, D. C. Palmer School Graduates Over Princess Theatre. Phone Main 5 1 6.

BEAUTY SHOP-Shampooinsr' hairdressimr. scalp treatment, hair; corner Second anil Kim iitratu The guests included Mrs. Louisa i bra tins' the ni.i.; y. 1 J. BIRTHDAY Folt -28 acres level land, clipping, face massage French pack.

I all in cultivation; 4 room house eyebrows arched majnifuring. Ladies good barn; 7 tons good hay; 5 acres only. Carolyn A. Jielthirray, 50G, i ir. ana 4ir.

IJoerr. Deutschmhn, Vha fiv4ji. Vferfi Riidicker, Columbus, Mr. Charles Covers were pluced or Mr. "and Crirn4e ALnerva com in one A-l Jersey ov; Seventh strw; 'Phai' east o' the city, was snnried-Sim-tuidMr: Wifl Otting and family, Mr.

jrrs. PJiilg) poerr, MSss to: It' taken in next ior appointment. u2d day ft UoTac by a Dumbos jtnd ilrs Erntt jULfr vl Poerr, LQreaDorr. Mrs, i moi-tli 2.0 ah, balance March hl- relative and neighbqrs. 4 Glaofi.

Mr and'Mrs II A 1.1021. Address Austin, K. -TRUCKINO Three tnps to owawon 'being his eightieth birthday Doerr. RETURNS FROM 1S1T Gl'ESTS AT DINNER. ol8d-'Jlw weekly.

We specialize in An elaborate basket II. VHox 75. Mrs. Clarence Ooss and Mrs. II.

live siock iransporiaoou as wen as 1 MnneT i u- Hson ana grand general hauling. James Kuddiek. Mr. Dcutschman was born in Oer- da lighter, Miss Lucille Hattabaugh, Stewart of this city, were among the Phone K-741. "15l mnuv in 1840, coining to the United rerurned from Indianapolis, sruests at a dinner gfven Sunday at WILL PAY 1V2 to 4c pound foi itillcs He l.

resided in they visited the former'a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley oid rags, le to 1 for book, years, daughter. Mrs. II.

A. Runyon, and Stevens, Drownstown. magazines. Will call for any amount. Those present included Mr.

and i hr larcnce and George UL L-300. Closed on Saturdays. Jar-1 Mr-. Charles Deutschman. of, Among hose who were here Sun-vi nk Yard f2dtf -Cincinnati, Mr.

and Mrs. James "bile gone Mrs. lLsop attended a day to attend the Seymour-North Mr. and Mrs. Walter meeting of the Seymour Club, which Vernon baseball game were Mr.

and 1. 1 .1 1 rp 1... 1. FOR SALE One Fordson with One (i mo. old mule.

One uulc. One" Ilolstein cow with calf by side. Mrs. Wm. Snyder, Vallouia, Indiana.

FOR SALE Best picked Indian at orchard, others Mapleton farm, end of Tipton street concrete road. Phone 7M-2. o2 1 UliU Are you selling your-itir- ilev, Mr. and Mr-. John Kit, Mr.

" me nume ui rrann uomnson ana sons, ftcwarti; The club is composed of Charles and Frank, Mr. und Mrs. JDarliny jsj Mi s. John Sharp aud dijujthters, Phone 45. ireile, (ilemia aud ijrafeftiie, Mr.

ititure to now Whyt paying the best prices. S. Chestnut. ar ronncr resmeras 01. mis cny.

un- iirraj And Mrs. Ed day' S(rf. Rutiyou entertained with Platter, Miss Louise Green, Mrftti nd o-Wd and Mrs. J. C.

Barri' Mr. and Mrs: FOR SALE 8 feeding hhoats, n'tib'r about 101 pounds, 1 extra I). liimrer, Mr. aftdrH. blrUidy celebrating' Mr.

i-MW; D. W. Circgory, Mr. and Mrs. ttJ-i 1 1 1 I' ll 1 maws mm i a INTERSTATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY-SEYMOUR TO INDIANAPOLIS Hoosier Flyers leave Seymour Columbus, I'Minburg, Franklin, 'Ireenwood und IndianajwLs at and a.

m. and 1:18 3:18. 6:18 and 8:18 p. m. LnCal Cars leave Se.vmour for Iixlianapolig and nil intermediate points at fi5, 8:05, and 1 1 a.

and 1 3 8:00. 10:00 and p. m. Car marked x. runs to Columbus For special service see Scott Hardin.

Local Agent, or address Bert Weedon. O. F. P. 510 Hoard of Trade, Indianapolis.

Ind. IMAI ocnwiot way or iMyiii, ri, AVjlstm fif tv-6ifelith" Imthdav an- Rd VUUr. fr. nA Mn city or county. jfood wcamntr mare ljmlc.

Phone llawlen, E. P. Jolly. Tin daughter, Lorcne Mrs. Vl nivrrsary.

lUcr che, Howard Derringer lip nicraniMn oieabl tU-Mr. wvL1r7n.o-nV hw H'-- Dan Byrne, of dence phone 67. FOR SALE Six room house.fnrn. ace. bath and electric lijfhts.

on Indi -Mrs. a W. Kit. IwL Vm l- fo.HHviIK' Marie Oottwaltce, WE BUY Your eld stoves, rug, Cfu.rlo, Ruth and For- i TV f)r- 'h Harrv MploV-J L-liabes. etc.

Call us when Wanting rest, Mrs. Verbs Dillard, M. anapolis avenue, between Fourth and sell lhon 711. Bell Me vers and ons. Harrv and illuim.

Miss I 1. I ti Mcstcr, a I llersciie, iiowara Fifth. The Travis Carter Co Joan. Mr. and Mrsj Ev ih 1 1 ii l.l,.

Childs, of Norh Vernon, and Miss Its I not viiil'C. OAtfUfc. i uiirtUflli if. jiuiiiir, uiiru erett Ault, and Mrs. Ooorge Laura Derringer, of Hayden.

Lois i Hummond, Wiley, Miss Dreil'dcld, Miss Lillian Hoffmeier, TRANSFER Orovor! BAGGAGE Ritz, Miss Mary Emly, Miss f-. Marquette. Phone 85. Residence; all, Snutz Hanney, lint i FOR SALE One second hand range and several hea'ters, all in good condition. Ujyon Hardware Co.

olodtf FOR SALE One yellow pine, sini'le stave silo. 12x20, eood con I'bone K-281. aoatt Vernon Hudson, North Vernon, was (he guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Wetzel Sunday.

LOUISVILLE SEYMOUR to IF You want cutlhe high price of living buy your goods of F. M. i i i li A 1 1 anil itiariiuL-i- Ilummonil, Kavinond ililz, James! v. ger, hristie Breitneld, Neal Trotter Hitz, Harrv Ritz. Win.

O. Hall, John. and son, Albert, and Otto Toberg, Wilev, Robert Wilev. harles Wilev, were memners of a partv who spent Edward Wilev, Miss hula Christina, r. the week-end at the Phillips Culiin, Wilev and Mjss Josephine Deutscli- near Lncgdon.

man. 0 Phone 45. South Mrs. Goo, S. Clow.

Phone I -'aning. dition. 377. DR. CHAS.

E. GILLESPIE FOR SALF Licrht automobile BLACKSMITH And general re-roadster. Thoroughly overhauled' Wagon work a specialty, and rebuilt. Hyatt's Auto Shop. A.

Greene, MO W. tyton St I ATTENDS WEDDING. MOTOR PARTY. Jliss Ora Droege attended the! Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Noltiifg, Mr. marriage of her cousin, Miss Lona and Mrs. Adolph Brunow, Mrs. Otto Droege, which took place Saturday Last Car leaves Ioaisvillc 11:10 p. m.

Dixie Flyers lcac Seymour for ('ro'hersvillc. Scoltsburg, Sell-ersburx, Jeffcrsonville and Louisville ut 11:11 a. m. and 2:11, 4:11. 0:11 and 9:11.

p. Local Cars lenve Seymour for Louisville and nil intermediate points at fi :00, 8:00, 10:00 a.m.. 12:00 1 :00, :00, 5:00, 7:00. 8:10 and 11 :00 p. m.

ars marked run to Scottsburg only. Indianapolis Louisville Traction Railway Co. j3dtf Practice limited to diseases of the eye. ear. nose and throat, and FITTING GLASSES Seymour, Ind.

DAYLIGHT TAXI Anywbere in jAhlbrnnd and daughter, Melva, Mj. afternoon at 4 o'clock, in Aurora. city. Mrs. French.

fhone Alain Mrs. Adolpn Steinwedcl o20d daughters, Helen and Alice, Mr. and BIRTHDAY DINNER. Mrs. If.

A. Doerr entertained with I Mrs. Martin Steinwedel, Mr. and FOR SALE Ford roadster, also small truck bodv. Completely overhauled.

J. M. Phillips. FOR SALE Two registered bull calves. Seymour Ici 'ream 'o.

'Rf TAXI SERVICE Day or night. 'Call Nelson Seymour, phone 3C1. ol4d-tf 5 IjOSQ DISTANCE Hauling by roll FOR SALE Snriiiir mule oSonisI Sciberts motor truck. Phones R-741 and 333. '-J1 Hairy Ruddiek.

Phone i (jxcliangc. GROOVER ii JJL iELECTUC StTCTlON SWEIFEB AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS Weather Forecast For tfie Week. Mrs. Albeit tt'ildc, Mr. and Mm.

Ephraim Ahlbraud and family, Mrs. Albert AhllJrand and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Droege, Mrs. Carl Brunow, Miss Ida Easting, Mr.

and Mrs. George Kunmian and son, Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Turmuil, Mr.

and Mrs. Ben McCanu, Miss Minnie Stcinkamp, Miss Elwmor Ahlbrund, Miss Ruth Kummaii, Miss Mafiraret Tb'oele, Mrs. Thocle, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Selhdte and daughter, Elizabeth.

Carl Thocle and Martiu Strascn, of 'St. liouis, were members of a motor party who went to Nashville, Brown county, Sunday 1 FOR SALE Keifcr X'ars. Ceo. i Beyer, Rockford. o20d-21w Rain indicated Tuesday or Wcd- BARGAINS In good used cars.

flOdtf I nesday, followed by generally fair i Pauley and Son. and much cooler weather, with pro HOOVER enjoys the distinction of being the largest selling electric cleaner in the world. bably frost and freezing tempera-1 lure. lour is the very best flour vc know how to make from the very best wheat obtainable from ihc fine new crop. Irmust make good, or we will.

Make your own bread Save the baker's overhead Blish Milling: Company in Colonial Days" FOll RENT Strictly modern front room. Suitable for man aud wife. Phone Main 105 s30dtf I JJlJ'J' 11111 1 1 FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms. Modern. Over Fish Stand.

This overwhelming preference is due to overwhelming superiority. -v INTERSTATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY' WETHER REPORT Inquire Fish' Stand. o22d SUNDAY (iUESTS. Mr. and Mrs.

John Baute entertained a company of relatives and friends Sunday. A two course dinner' was served at the noon hour anr Unsettled tonight and Tuesday. Probably Khoper Warmer in northwest portioiv" tonight, FOR. RENT Famished rooms with- bstb. for fight housekeeping.

Phone R-230. m31Ul.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.